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  • Hey, I just noticed- see in your avatar, the guy on the far left almost entirely off the edge? He moves further and further toward the one on the right as the animation progresses. o.o

    Anyway, yeah, I too have exams in May... but at least I get 4 months of freedom :D (Wait- your Psychology exam is in May? I thought you said you were in year 11?)
    Not terrible. There were only a few things that popped up which I couldn't do/didn't remember actually learning. xD I think I might have managed almost decently.

    And that's my exams all over now, yay :D
    PG Tips ^^ I love tea more than anything in the world. I've drunk 51 cups this year. Yes, I'm counting them.

    And I want a sock monkey. :D I can make one with the socks my nan bought me for Christmas, which are those kind which just barely go over your ankle and don't stay on.
    Thanks :D I honestly didn't notice that Skitty was a dude, by the way *shifty eyes*

    And I must try this right now.
    Ah, sprite... that reminds me I need to get working on the new Oddity issues. =) Does "sock monkey" get many results when you wiki it?
    Mostly just foruming... also wondering how the Bio exam'll go. Hopefully I should be able to cram enough revision into the first 4 periods, provided I leave my laptop and DS at home and try to resist the urge to randomly browse encyclopedias in the library rather than revise... I really am a geek. xD
    Oh =o I'm afraid anything with "relationship" in isn't something I really know what to say to ^^ And I'm almost entirely certain that last sentence made no sense whatsoever...

    Well, looks like subject-changing is our only option then... you up to much?
    Well, if you want to tell me ^^

    And I think we gave that one a pretty good run :D I expect it's just because we don't know each other too well yet so it's hard to know what to talk about. Or something.
    I'm not terribly sure how to respond to that without being intrusive/nosy and asking what was up ^^

    Meaning our topic's running out again...
    Oh, so you know who you're getting?

    My Core Maths teacher, Dr Razaq, has the best name in the world.
    His form's misbehaving, I think. Apparently someone broke a window and the light, both on the same day. xD

    Well, all my A-Level teachers are OK :D After Christmas I got back my GCSE Biology teacher, who is awesome. My Stats teacher was supposed to be really strict, but she's not too bad. And my Law teacher's on a webcam and I only see her once a week, so there's not much she can do to make me dislike her. xD
    Well, my Graphics teacher hated me. There are just no words... she'd come up to me while I was doing one part of my project and tell me to do some other part. So I'd start doing it and she'd tell me I should be doing what I was doing before. She was constantly yelling at both me and crazyrockboy to "do our 3D aspects", and whenever we asked what she meant by that she said she didn't know. And at the end of the year, while marking my folder, she had the nerve to say I was her worst nightmare...

    Graphics made my GCSE a misery D: Funny thing is, my cousin, who had her as a Form Tutor all through school, said that when he first met her in Year 7 she was really nice. Then she just got bitchier and bitchier every year. xD
    Oh yeah, I guess you chose your A Level options recently, didn't you ^^;; Haha, sorry, I guess I wasn't too clear. xD I was just thinking, "wow, your school's awesome!". :3

    I hated Graphics... I guess it didn't help that my teacher was the spawn of Satan. Or that I didn't get put in a group with crazyrockboy and her venom was directted entirely at me. But I had to pick a DT topic, and when we did Graphics for a bit in year 9 they let us randomly doodle on our work. In hindsight, I should have taken Food Tech... that way I wouldn't starve whenever I leave home to live on my own. xD
    You can pick all those for GCSE? At my school Psychology and Photography are A Level subjects, and Biology, Physics and Chemistry are compulsory.

    For A Level, I went with Biology, History, Maths and Law. All pretty interesting except Maths, which my parents forced me to take. ><
    Well, I hope you're OK ^^

    What subjects have you picked? I went for French, German, History and Graphics.
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