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  • Oh. Are you feeling alright now? D:

    And yes, exams do suck... but at least it's better than Maths. I really wish my parents hadn't made me take it >< Are you in year 11 or 12?
    Pretty good, thanks :D Tuesday's one of my least lesson-filled days, so not too bad; just Maths, History and a talk on eating disorders for PHSE. Though I could've avoided those if I'd taken my study leave for my Biology exam tomorrow.

    How was yours?
    After she murders me. XD Still, I bought two or three books in near-perfect condition for 1p each (srsly) so it's worth it.

    And hey, I just remembered and double-checked your post in the "where are you from" thread. We both live in the same county! 8D (...am I finding that much cooler than I should be? xD)
    You should. You get tons of great stuff you don't find offline ^^

    Still, that's nine items I've ordered. My mum's going to kill me. xD I'm meant to be saving for my school trip to Russia next year, too... I'm a bad boy ;.;
    And it'd be more boring if they were :3

    Wow, I love Amazon so much. I just went back there and bought 6 things for under £30, postage included. I've still spent a monstrous £75 in one night, but what the hell! XD
    Ah. xD Come to think of it, the scary face could be a "Ragaafragaaaa!", but to me it sounds like a "Wayayablabby!".

    And now whatever normality I still retained is gone forever. xD
    Hang on, did you mean the scary face or the helicopter hair? Cos helicopter hair is "Ragaafragaaaa!".
    The part in Mr Stone's Peaks where you have to cut the boulders away with your Super Helicopter blade to stop yourself drowning is cool ^^

    And it's a shame how you lose the ability to pull the scary face when you learn to run, don't you think?
    And don't forget, his hair turns into a helicopter blade :D

    Nah, change it if you want. Your avatar, your call ^^ I've been thinking of getting rid of Mr H myself, and maybe replacing it with something Oddity-related, so I can advertise to the all-important sigs-off market. xD
    Plus the guy has no limbs, yet he survives. Which is the coolest thing ever :3

    And don't change it, it's great D= Pills to cure the death...
    Almost certainly Rayman ^^ Although I never could beat it, as I said. Well, not without cheat-coding my way to Candy Chateau in any case xD Though I liked a lot of PS1 games... like the Crash Bandicoot series. Crash Bandicoot 2 was one of the first PS1 games I played, and I think N Gin is still one of my favourite evil henchman type people ever ^^ Yours?

    (Also, I like your avatar. :D)
    Er... hi ^^ I know my suggestion of visitormessagry was only for continuing discussion of Rayman, and you've gone and made a club, but I thought I'd give you one anyway :D Talking is fun.

    Plus it seems we have similar tastes in old PS1 game series that have gone downhill of late xD
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