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  • It was heart shaped, given to me on or around Valentine's Day. I left it in my room to die slowly.

    But yes, I like balloons too~
    Well, I don't have any friends who are girls offline at all :3 Never really have. Though there are some girls I get on with OK but wouldn't exactly call friends, and that one girl who pretended to have a crush on me a few years ago >///<
    Rather a worrying proportion of my online friends are girls... which is strange when you consider that no girl offline has ever expressed even the slightest desire to befriend me.
    I was half expecting you to question why I call a girl Barney... but OK ^^

    I quite like the name Liz, I think (well, Lizzie particularly). It's quite a nice name ^^ A lot of my female e-pals have quite pretty names, actually.
    Well, I usually like to stick to usernames online for some reason... but Ruffledfeathers is kind of a mouthful. So, hi Liz. :D

    That's now two e-pals I have called Liz (or some form of the name)... but then I do call the other one Barney.
    I know, I know... *pats you on the head*

    I didn't like Rayman 2 and 3 nearly as much as the original... it should've stayed 2D and cartoony somehow :D
    I dunno T.T Don't get me wrong, Rabbids was nice as a spin-off, but now it's just taking over the series.
    On the other hand maybe it's just their retro charm and the fact that we enjoyed them so much back when they were the best games around... I'm sure a game of running around punching things and pulling silly faces wouldn't do very well were it released nowadays. Not without sodding Rabbids in it anyway. And with no punching or silly faces. ;_;
    Possibly. Their simplicity gives them a certain charm :D

    Aw... you were feeling like that the other day, weren't you? Get well soon D:
    Hehe, I do that sometimes too ^^

    I'm getting quite addicted to buying old platformers for the PS1 I remember from my youth xD It's funny how really old games like Rayman and Spyro, with stories not much more complicated than "go through all the levels then kill the bad guy", can be better than some of the more intricate games you get these days =/

    (And hope your headache clears soon D=)
    xD Who's Chloe? Your sister?

    Anyway, I've played Spyro 1 and 2, but Year of the Dragon will have to wait til at least Monday, because tomorrow shall be all about Croc. =D
    Hey, know what other weird thing I noticed? Your Friends box says "showing 3 out of 4 Friend(s)", but when you click "Show all Friends" there are still only 3 o.O
    Stupid schools, why can't they all be exactly identical?... Still, it's funny that. I'd've thought all the schools would work in pretty much the same way =/ Ah well.

    So, how was your day?
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