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  • But they're just Mars Bars without the caramel!
    Then again, Mars Bars make my teeth hurt for no evident reason.
    ...I misread that as "Snickers would be more fun".
    I was like "what does chocolate have to do with anything". Then I remembered chocolate is always relevant.
    Hm. Chickens probably wouldn't cause as much of a ruckus, and it might be harder to paint numbers onto feathers.
    Then get two pigs, paint the numbers "1" and "3" on them, set them loose in a crowded public place and see how long the authorities look for one with "2" painted on it before giving up.
    I suppose. But you could always, say, hire two private investigators to follow each other instead.
    Floatzel is also badass. :3
    I never bothered with EV training. Except once when I did it on my Weavile just to see how much I could make its Sp. Atk go up in one go. (11.)
    Eh. I'm not too keen on it either. Though the fact that Black has Vullaby and White has Rufflet is the thing that enabled me to decide which version to get, so :D

    Scrafty is game-breaking as hell. Dark/Fight seems to be a pretty solid combination, defensive-wise, and it learns Hi Jump Kick- a 130BP attack with 90% accuracy- way too early. (Sure it saps half your HP if it misses, but it never ever does.)
    Still haven't trained myself a Krookodile, but I have a Krokorok in my party box that I'll get round to raising eventually.
    Gen V has a lot of Dark types in general. But that's okay because Dark types are fabulous. 8D I think they're probably my favourite type.
    ...actually you could probably do a pretty good Dark monotype in B/W. Preferably Black because Vullaby.
    Mine has Unaware. I don't think it really helped much though, and I never gave her anything to hold so Klutz wouldn't have made any difference.
    Mine is called Swoobat and she was the only female on mine :P Until I decided six Pokémon was nowhere near enough.
    I found her to be pretty handy, for the most part :o
    It took me like an hour to realise that burning things underwater is impossible after seeing that part. D:
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