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  • Josephine Bielawa d: She says Bee-Loo-Wah. Close but nothing doing.

    Also look up my name on Urban Dictionary and you won't be so jealous anymore. I wasn't too happy. <_<
    And the skeleton with no body with him?
    And the guillotined man who had just lost a race because he couldn't get ahead?
    Will there be one table with people of different religions, and another table of people of different ethnicity?
    And later I have to watch as I'm not invited to the joke where you, an Irishman and a Scotsman walk into a bar.

    And then wonder why they mentioned nationalities, as it had nothing to do with the punchline.
    Bee-Lah-Wah, or Biel-Ow-Ah d:
    Don't worry, even my nan doesn't pronounce it correctly. And oooooh the fun to be had with bank tellers.

    Also; YAY! ^w^ *Nom*
    I thought you knew my real name. o.o In fact I even posted it in the name thread. d: Sable Darcey Bielawa. (SUPER DORKY GOGOGO)
    Well actually I didn't put my last name in there but special for you and any Mike followers I guess who catch this page. But er.. yeah, Sable. d: (Or call my Dwagie really it doesn't matter. xD )

    Also I ish Riolu ^w^ Aura WuffWuff~ I don't think you've had a Riolu yet anyway?..
    No, I'm too busy mining coal and then tending to sheep.

    Also, I'll be frowned upon by the North simply because I'm a southerner.
    I will borrow some from New Zealand and also use coal and languages that sound like spitting.
    Accents differ everywhere.

    (although in my area of Cardiff, the only accent there is is Chav)
    I'm pretty freaked out because when the e-mail software opened, the subject was 'I love you'. I'm not sure if I was receiving it or sending it.

    I wouldn't see why I would be receiving it (why make a virus that makes a fake e-mail come up AFTER you get it?)
    That leaves sending it. If you get an e-mail from me. Don't open it.
    Ahhh what everything's opening.

    Like, all programmes that use the internet. Firefox, IE, Chatzilla, Outlook, Steam, ahhhh I think I have a virus.
    Did you have one of these?
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