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  • o.o Nice.


    God, it's hard to take anything seriously when Midna's yelling, "I don't care veggies!" in the background.

    Oh, and "strudel pies with pink liquid."
    I'm sure it's not easy, life is easy for no one, guy or girl. But yeah, pregnancy is optional. Periods however, are not. And I can tell you right now, periods are the cause of 60% of Arylettbitchiness. They suck, a lot. Any girl can tell you that~

    I wouldn't want to be a guy though, I'm happy the way I am. I just really like being a girl, nothing against guys, I just like being like this~
    It is if this person is imaginary and you make whichever presumption I make to be wrong.
    Many times better~ Whoo, ARYLETTDANCE! ;;Arylettdances through the New Year;;

    Also I don't like hugging people much though, so I can't take advantage of this. But I'm sure being a dude has its merits~ Like you don't have to get pregnant OR have periods. The two most suckiest parts of being a girl. Gah.

    Yeah, it is a really pretty name~

    Actually I like all my friends' names.
    Because I know you.

    If I'd said "I'm sure he already has." you would've said "But she's a woman"
    I have no clue.

    And by "go insane" I mean start bouncing off the wall once all the sugar I gave them goes to their brains. (Except Patrice cause she's actually the sanest of my friends.)

    It's important because all my friends are gonna come over and get acquainted and go insane!
    Nobody wants to be me either~ Except Murkrow, who for some reason only wants to be me so he can be a chick.

    Also yes, we have Arylettopian Christamas and New Year's the same days as in the rest of the world~ ;;Eats magical cheering-up cookie;; Yaaay! Thank you! Whoo~! In fact, we are hosting an Arylettopian New Year's BASH! With lots of Arylettdancing.
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