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  • Haha, that sounds absolutely brilliant X3 I could use one of those... well, if it worked. I'm hopeless with spaghetti and always end up flicking bits of pasta sauce everywhere. Not as bad as I am with chopsticks, but hey.

    I need to watch more British comedy. I've seen all the Monty Python movies, all of Fawlty Towers (I used to go to school in Torquay, so it's a given) and pretty much anything with Stephen Fry in (I espeially love Blackadder and A Bit of Fry and Laurie). Any recommendations?

    What lazy people go to a restraunt on Christmas day? ):
    Congrats on getting her room, though; my sister nicked mine just after I moved out, so I've got about half the space I used to. I don't really mind; it doesn't make sense for someone who's only here half the year to have the bigger room, but damn, I need more space for my books.

    Aaaah, those January exams are horrible >< Are you in year 12 or 13 and what subjects are you doing? I don't envy you one bit, but you'll get through it. Have fun revising and stuff~

    I don't go back till the 19th because uni breaks are stupidly long. We don't get half terms, though, and it's a real pain getting from Kent to Devon just for a weekend, so I don't see my family for three months at a time.
    I can still think of a way for them to get it, but they'd need some extra time.
    Why would second prize need to be in the mental institution? Are all contestants insane?

    Same for third prize.
    Extending vowels is fuuuuuuuun~

    Now I really want to know what a spaghetti fork is :D
    My sister and I got the DVD boxset of friends sometime last year and it's amazingly great. Friends is one of those things that can be watched over and over and even if you know every line off by heart, it somehow only makes it funnier X3
    Even though I was given 4 season boxsets for Christmas (Spooks, Will & Grace, 30 Rock and Law & Order), I'm still tempted to buy the full-season boxset of The West Wing, partly because I've heard many good things about it, partly because it's cheap, and partly because one of my absolute favourite actors ever plays a min character in one of the later seasons. I'm such a fangirl.

    What does your sister do that she's not home on Christmas?
    Boxing day is in some ways just as great as Christmas, especially if you spend it eating cold leftovers (this year I had this delicious vegetable and nut roast in place of a turkey and it was amazing) and making up the rules to boardgames because the guide that came with it is too long and complicated X3

    Oh dear; I've still got a couple of presents left to send. And they're going abroad, so God knows how long it'll take till they get there. Though getting late Christmas presents is also kinda fun, especially if they're a surprise.

    I'll probably spend new years hanging around, too. My sister's going away to see a friend, and I might be having some friends over, but I doubt I'll be going out anywhere; the pubs around here are awful on new years ><

    When do you go back to school/college?
    What's third prize? And wait, if you came in second place, then you wouldn't go to the Dead Sea, so why would you need to be at the hospital in the first place? Do all the contestants have terminal diseases? If so, that's incredibly cruel, but it'd be so damn funny.
    =O I'd watch it. What would be the prizes for having the largest pile? Would there be multiple rounds? Would each round get harder, having distractions such as sirens, flashing lights, and vibrating plates?
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