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  • Ermmm... What does that latin phrase actually mean?
    Ooooh, lessons over webcam? That actually sounds pretty fun! Though I highly doubt they have that at the sixth form I plan on going to... D:

    Gah, yeah, do that -- defending muderers wouldn't be so funnnn.

    It's supposed to.

    The guy in it is absolutely awesome. Everytime somebody says "prince" (or anything that sounds like it in Japanese), he goes mental and starts laughing evilly while ranting about taking over the world.

    Only in Shugo Chara. XP
    Ooooh, is law an interesting subject to take for A-Level? I'm half considering it for myself...
    What other subjects did you take, then?
    Bleh, stuff your parents, you should do whatever you want. =]
    Oh yeah, good call. xD
    I think being killed is probably worse than education... o.o
    Will your parent's kill you if you don't go to uni as well? Though uni actually sounds like fun...
    aha... Yay for no education!
    Though didn't you chose to go to sixth form? You could have quit after GCSEs... xD
    Oooooh, you're nearly 17? I shall remember to wish you happy birthday then~
    Gah, I know, I break up on the 17th as well; and then I go back to school before my birthday... The education people need to start arranging our holidays in better places, methinks. D:
    Barney ish pretty good actually... She had a pretty good day doing pretty much nothing, even though she should be revising for her exams next week... Oops. D:
    She's also pretty happy her school gets loads of snow, snow days are always fun. =)
    How is Mike doing?
    Oh, I had an awesome day, thanks. That day was my fourth lesson of fencing. :3 Which is so much fun it's just amazing.

    9 days, huh? Come on, Flazeah, remember maths, that subject you no longer have to do... uh. *counts on fingers* x3 So that's on the 7th, riiiight? Happy birthday for then. But hopefully I'll remember and wish you a happy birthday on the actual day.
    Ah, but I've got it working to track you. =D I see you are in Beaver... Woods. Or something. I'm coming. =D
    Never heard that before.

    You're telling me in such programmes as Doctor Who, people have 4s.

    The word eephlangwoof is never used in them.
    So when people say 'Mum, can I [BLANK]?' they're asking their 4 if they can [BLANK]?
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