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    Blackadder, a bit of Fry and Laurie, Monty Python, Mock the Week, Phoenix Wright, Sonic, and anything else you care about suck.
    Actually, I could change them all to Mu-something.

    Muissatop->Muisengam->Munitalp, for example. Maybe with a little tweak to make them more pronounce-able. Muisatop, Muisingem, Munitlap?
    Dlog? Revlis? Muisengam (Actually that doesn't sound so bad...)

    Leets is funny, because it says leet (lol so funni)

    I've saved all the images~ most of them are pure awesome. I may replace my Wispawil with Willa and Wisp, and I might develop Crabbit into an alternate Krabby evo.

    And I'll probably use most of the ones on the big sheets, except maybe ???3 and Torice, as I already have similar ones (Towmertose and its prevo)

    I like the names for Eznorb, Nori and Leets :3
    No, I just cleared my PM box.

    I feel idiotic... the other day, I was clearing my E-Mail inbox out (I had about 800 unread, no joke, and about 750 if them were spam) and I deleted some very important ones without a second thought.

    They contained links to certain websites which were quite important to me, and I have (to my knowledge) no other way of finding those websites. Google won't do, as there's about three bajillion other websites with the same names...

    SillyCastform is silly.
    Those tho posts with '<3' in them are identical and within 5 minutes of each other.
    I haven't updated Farroh in ages...

    If you could re-send the drawings, I'll save them all somewhere for extra safekeeping-ness, yes.
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