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  • DDD< ;;ARYLETTDEATHSTARES the journalists, they all die;;

    That's what you get, that's what you get for messing with the Queen/President. I'm not ruler of a country for no reason, you know. ;;Claps hands together;;
    Because nothing. I'm taking a stand, they're not going to boss me around. ;;Goes to make Presidential Speech, accidentally leaves crown on head;;
    No! ...Shh! Shhh! Keep your mouth shut! If the journalists hear you, then they'll want to conquer Arylettopia and kick me out.

    I have to do something to get them in line! I've had enough. I'm the Queen AND President, dammit, why should I let some scathing idiots with pens and typewriters scare me?
    The woes of being the leader of a country, Mike.

    I could... but nobody would listen to it. Arylettopia is swarming with journalists. They have huge influence.
    Well technically I can't be put in jail, I'm Queen and President. But the people could rise up against me and have a revolution. And I really don't want that.

    ;;Sighs;; Journalists are a very pesky problem. Either way, I lose.
    But I can't just shoot them all.

    Then some more journalists would pop up in their place. Trust me, when you do that sort of thing, the people go crazy. And then they'll write more mean things about Queen/President Arylett. And Arylett is a very sensitive leader, her feelings are easily hurt.
    You don't have to rub it in. The Arylettopian Press gave me enough grief. Do you know what the newspapers said? Just... horrors... ;;Shudders;;

    It's not easy being a Queen and a President though. I mean, one time I accidentally wore my crown to one of my Presidential Speeches. And you can imagine how embarassed I was. The Arylettopian Press had a field day with it.
    Mighty Queen and President Arylett. I forgot to mention I'm the Queen AND President of Arylettopia. Somehow.

    Yes. ;;Sits upon Insanity Throne, with seven buckets full of haddock atop sense-ridden head and a cape made of bananas;;
    Ahahahaa. So I am your match, you say? Your Match In Mentalness! See? See my location? I live in the confines of my mentality. How can I not be mental? I am purely mental!
    Ah. But see, the more mentalness my acts have, the more you'll come to expect that type of craziness from me. And thus, when I say things like you're a Saucy Fox, you'll just sigh and shake your head, because it's something someone crazy like me would say. And it doesn't make you think I'm any crazier, just that it's Typical Arylett Mentalness.
    Is that even possible? I say I'm the Queen of Arylettopia and that I used to be a milkshake and a fruitpie. I doubt me telling you that you're a fox made of sauce would make me seem any mentaler, especially since the above things are pretty crazy.
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