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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Not Meowth
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  • The flowing river tells no lies, yet the dishonest man at its banks still hears them.
    If you immediately notice the candlelight is fire, then the meal was cooked a long time ago.
    Zelda, Duke Onclet is under attack by the evil forces of Ganon. I'm going to Gamelon to aid him. If you don't hear from me in a month, send Link.
    If you want a pet, you go to a pet shop. If you want a pet shop, you go to a pet shop shop. If you want a pet shop shop, then you're just being silly.

    I wasn't banned for two years, just 700 days.
    I mean the chain of you saying "I mean the chain of you saying "I never said anything about two years.", and me replying "You said, and I quote, "I've been banned for two years from another forum".
    I've never been banned before so I can't really judge, but that seems a long time."", and me replying "I mean the chain of you saying "Dude, you broke the chain.", and me replying "No. If you look at your own profile you can see a bunch of Links in a row down the page. How is that a broken chain?""
    I mean the chain of you saying "Dude, you broke the chain.", and me replying "No. If you look at your own profile you can see a bunch of Links in a row down the page. How is that a broken chain?"
    No. If you look at your own profile you can see a bunch of Links in a row down the page. How is that a broken chain?
    Our rambling conversations are lifesavers when the forums are slow, nothing's on TV, I've done my homework and I've been banned for two years from another forum.
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