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  • Yep, I'll just try one more time.
    There we are.

    My computer is cursed. It does things wrong one day but does it right he next.
    That's not your real name?

    Whatever happened to the whole looking like a sonic/tails fusion?
    It came from when I was talking to someone over MSN. I asked them something, they didn't answer. I asked again and again. (foolishly typing it out every time instead of just copy/pasting it) Soon typos came into it. I started typing it with the same typos on purpose etc.

    It eventually changed from the original question a lot. I thought it looked like 'Rasrap Smurf' Rasrap being a 'word' we learned in French to remember the words. Rentrer, Aller, Sortir, R(something I can't, remember)A(something I can't remember) and Partir.
    You know what a Smurf is. It's random, and a unique combination of words that I expect nobody else uses as a username. Now I use it as a username wherever I join.

    If the name changing hack comes back, I'll change it. (allowing Murkrowfeather to take mine)
    Might join a bit later.
    I'm only quickly checking up on a few threads and my emails before I start playing games at the moment.
    Oh Fie!
    Re: Your last comment.
    (fie-re, get it?)
    Sure, The reason I go on TCoD and no bigger sites like Serebii for Pokémon discussion is because it's a relatively small community.
    Assuming your forum doesn't get thousands of members, sure I'm interested. That's why I don't go on Zelda sites; The ones that I've seen are too big and it pretty hard to find the smaller ones because they don't turn up on the first few pages of Google.

    What other things would the forums discuss?
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