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Notoriously Unknown

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  • I didn't DDD:

    All I did was make a pun on your saying "I keep missing you" and then say Hi with elongated vowels.

    I lost it. Crayack, was blue mist originally, remeber?

    Now, he's different, but...I'll show you him as soon as I draw him again.

    *shot* yeaaaaahhh. And no, no albums >:<

    ...I drew him as miiiist remeber? *fail*
    Well, if you have a laptop, and there is no child security thingy, I CAN SHOW YOOOU~

    They're good singers and I just realized how funny Lassie can be. The actor and the character suuuure are parralells~ x33
    Okay, but I won't reveal their names for obvious reasons:

    • SAY WHAT?! (Humanities; Knowledge) - she has a potty mouth; tries to be funny (which works); electronics seem to malfunction when she uses them; strict on proofreading (it's justifiable though since she also has classes to attend to and she doesn't have the time to read over 500,000 words from her students' work); and spouts out wisdom on certain occasions.

    • Langue français et communication (French) - She's a nice teacher but strict (6 absences and you will most likely fail); hands out quizzes every week; feels like a high school teacher rather than a college teacher; cracks jokes (in French) every once in a while.

    • Literature & Composition (English) - A really nice lady; electronics seem to break down when she touches them, too; hard marker when it comes to essays... and that's about it really.

    • Calculus I (Math) - He has a peppy attitude; talks with this weird inflection in his voice; has no clue on what to teach when he gets to the class, so he makes things up on the spot as class goes on; and I honestly think he's gay.

    • Volleyball (Phys. Ed.) - Just your average physical education teacher, except she is really, REALLY strict (3 absences = INSTANT FAIL).

    • Intro to Programming - He talks slow, he types slow, he even walks slow; literally begs us to ask questions (which is understandable because we, the class, are amateurs in programming); and he has a hard last name to pronounce.

    • Chemistry - According to several classmates of mine, my teacher, "looks like Einstein" or "a leprechaun" or "a giant midget"; he never seems to change his attire; talks quietly and fast; and you can pretty sleep in his class without being noticed at all.
    ...well. My being naive. I'm blunt. I have to be. and being nice'll be too muc of a big chnge. It's not worth it, no matter what anyone says. But....I don't want to lose against this. I sometime sownder what would happen if I didn't lose that part. now I'm just..bitter to evetryone, just some exceptions, and yet every time I think about it, the bitterness towards others..almost ma\kes sense. No scratch that, it does. I've adapted that. But don't you get it? Sure after this, things will change, once you live through it...but try not to lose yourself yet. You're fighting. You'll make it, just...try. Do it, for me, at least...
    And of course you wouldn't understand what I'm talking about unless you had an interest in programming. =P I can't really explain them (if, else and switch) much to my dismay. My teacher was pretty vague when he gave his explanation.
    ...if you say so.

    This cancer will not break you, do you hear me? You're tougher than that! You don't know it, the way you talk sometimes, but I sure as hell do. And I will SEE THROUGH IT that you know this, too. It is a petty disease that we will not mention until absolutely nessesary, because we are not going to give it that sort of attention, Carly. I'm not going to let this kill you before you die, IF you die.
    Well, I simply had to make my program output the following:

    "Date: April 30, 2005
    Day Number: 120
    Next Day: 1 mai 2005"

    This is just one example I had to be able to get the computer to output.
    The purpose of the assignment was to minimize all the statements using if and else statements as well as the switch statement. In the end, I managed to shorten my program! 8D
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