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  • Yes indeed!

    People had great success with safeguard whimsicott at Worlds; perhaps that should be your signature pokémon. :P
    You're talking about Melodic Harmony vs. Omskivar, right?

    Well, since Detect has fewer PP (5) at first I wasn't calculating it like Protect, but actually just plugging it in the calculator like it was a normal attack. Since I think it was the first time I calculated Detect, I realized it was biased so I changed it to 5% energy (a tad more than Protect since it has fewer PP). Actually, Negrek's Energy and Damage Guide doesn't mention Detect at all :/

    I'll change it to 4%. Since we're in the subject, I was wondering if it was the same for Quick and Wide Guard.
    I forgot. :P Best Mafia DM.

    I'll write up the next modpost tonight and post it with today's reffings.
    Did you send me that game yet? Just a little worried, since it hasn't shown up here.
    Another replacement computer? Did your netbook die on you already, or are you looking to get a new desktop or something?
    Dropboxes as in Dropbox? That would be my guess.

    Ugh, well, I hope that ends up working out and you get something worthwhile out of it, anyway. Too bad about the no monies thing. :(

    *beady-eyed stare*
    D: Well I definitely can't hope for your job to not work out! Co-GMing would be great if you do get the chance, though.

    Also, what are you up to with those spriters, there? So suspicious.
    Kratos help all this talk of ghosts and exorcisms and stuff keeps making me want to do a Ghost Trick mafia with crazy powers you only get if you're dead and stuff. But. No time. Wat do?
    Heh, I dunno, I tend to let mafia games die, too.

    Good luck with dat skool nonsense, then. Always getting in the way of the worthwhile stuff, isn't it?
    September 1st at the latest, or if it accumulates 20 players (unlikely).

    Ghosts still win with their team, but they can't win it for the team. I shall edit.
    Well, I'm sure you'll manage if you do decide to do NaNo. It's not as though you don't have plenty of other story ideas you could be writing. :P

    It's like judgement day on the mid-eastern coast, man. First and earthquake, now a hurricane... next you just know it's going to be locusts.
    Silly filler pesterlogs are the best. Actually, that sort of format would probably make NaNo really easy. Blocked on your plot? Have a few pages of random time shenanigans in a memo!

    Yeah, it must be crazy to try and evacuate people out of the NYC area. I wonder when the last time they had to do that was? At least people in Florida are used to the idea of "giant killer storm approaching."
    Oh wow, I didn't realize the Homestuck 'fic was supposed to be long enough to fill out 50K!

    Eh, people are mildly freaking out about it and the university's all "buy food and bottled water blargle blargle argh," but it's not like we're on the coast or anything, so I doubt we'll see much more than a bad, prolonged thunderstorm and some flooding. The general concern amongst students here seems to be "my flights gonna be cancellled noooo"/"the power had better not go out because my plan was to sit around and watch movies all during the storm."

    Apparently the last time there was a big storm here people had to end up boiling water afterwards and you weren't supposed to shower for a few days (classes were fun), but that was pretty much the worst of it.

    The storm's passing you by entirely, right? Though you don't live very near the coast, I think.
    That's too bad. I mean, you've won NaNo twice in a row now, right? Don't break the chain!

    We gave final presentations on cell-harassing today. I have a two-week break before the actual semester starts, plus also hurricane.
    And if you waited that long, you'd pretty much have the big bang and then... right into NaNo!

    That's cool. I watched your video, by the way. It was pretty cool (but I can't art, so).
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