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  • Oookay, that makes more sense.

    There can never be too many terrible spoofs.

    How's school going for you?
    Heh, well, it's a pretty depressing setting you're working with, so it would be kind of hard to keep things totally lighthearted anyway. I wish you good luck in finishing your planning.

    Pokémon superheroes? They can already like shoot lightning and breathe fire and command water and all that! How much more super does it get?
    (Silly Sollux, why would setting server permissions so only *you* could invite new people not be the first thing you did?)

    Ah, right, I forgot about the big bang. How's that going?
    I swear the ability choice is going to cause me to lose sleep, and that is sad.
    Oh, I did finally get a reffing up last night and pointed it out to Lucas and meant to say something to you too but forgot since I already had it in my mind that I said something last week.
    Ech, that's something that Li'l Dwagie should answer, I think. She hasn't really been around much, though, so if you can't get an answer, I guess you can choose how much EXP you want to claim.

    You could just tell Wargle that if she pays for it you'll get the EXP for the dragomelet, and if not you'll just leave it there.
    Ah, okay. I was kind of thinking of asking you about that since it seemed kind of weird, but I missed a crucial "and" in the effect description.
    Yes, if you were okay with paying the price for the other slot, you could withdraw from that one and just deposit pokémon one at a time.
    Oh yeah, I didn't check out the prices there. That does kind of suck. :(

    I guess you could just leave it in limbo if you wanted and never claim the EXP for it, but you'd never be able to use that shop again.

    Also, TSO's "Carol of the Bells" is classic badassery. Do approve.
    Well, you'll have to be the one to withdraw it from the business, and... I guess by now it's probably earned a few EXP. :P

    ETA: Which I'll just add to it and I guess its new owner will get the benefit of.
    I guess I didn't! EXP and enigma berry gone now; thanks for pointing that out to me.
    I meant quality in general, like "is this hosting going to be going down all the time, if I need some odd package installed would it be possible to do so, does their support staff suck," etc. The settings on some servers are also more amenable to running Python applications than others.

    Django is indeed something I'm planning to run, so Google App Engine not so much. :P
    Oh man, I can only imagine. XD

    After like twenty minutes of looking I think the best I've found is Site5, which would be cheaper and have what I'm looking for, but there's probably better stuff out there. I'll just have to do some digging. I do know that there's plenty out there that are less than $60/year that have Python support, although the quality of that support is more the concern... :P
    The "muse" thing was only ever really on FFN that I've seen, and I have seen it there recently, though perhaps less than what I remember from when I was first starting out.

    Yeah, my Dad was still able to log into his university account for a couple of years after he left, and I know they can sometimes leave stuff like that lying around for ages. (They were all "your e-mail will be disabled 60 days after you graduate, feeeeear", but of course it still works.) Hence why I'm curious.

    But if I went with your host I would have to get the $6.99 package so I could use Python and that's like extortion or something. :( I'm still looking around, but I don't think 1and1 is particularly good with the Python support in general.
    Ech, yeah, there will probably be some kind of reviewing guide, though I doubt it will be the one on the site right now. That's kind of the problem with perpetually-in-progress things; you finish some part of them, and then they just wait to get used for years, and when you come back to them you're like, "This is so terrible! I can't use this, someone might see it!" Such it is with that particular reviewing guide.

    Heh, well, I'm kind of curious to see how long it takes for my school web hosting account to get shut down, and I'll probably be inspired to make updates to it when preparing to move it elsewhere. By early September if somehow that doesn't happen then; I plan to get some hosting (plus Windows 7 for Zeno here) once I get paid. So definitely it will get updated, but it might be a couple three more weeks yet.

    Who in the heck is running around outside my window right now, and how are they managing to be so loud about it? =/ Oh, college.
    Really? I'm surprised; from the hints you've been dropping, it sounds exactly like something I'd be interested in.

    Well, it's not, like, a website for fanfiction. More like essays about fanfiction.
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