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  • Yeah. If you want to start something, you have to be pretty much prepared to do all or almost all of it yourself. Any other innovations you have planned?
    Do you have an official working group for that yet, or is it you just kind of coming up with stuff at this point?
    There's only ~25 moves that were TM moves in Generation I/II that weren't TM's in later generations or tutor moves (most everything that could learn something by TM in Gen I/II later regained it as a tutor move). A lot of them were already specialized TM's that few things could learn (dragon rage) and which tended to get moved into movepools anyway. Some of them were pretty crazy (teleport), but for the most part it worked out to, "Oh no, eevee no longer gets these six moves!" And most pokémon were affected to a much smaller degree than that, if at all. (Of course, this could only possibly affect the first 251 to begin with!)
    It really wouldn't have done anything, so I saw no point. It's entirely in the cards for gen six if that gen isn't backwards compatible, though!

    Hypothetically it would be fine.
    D'aww. If only real-life grubs were anything like half as cute as Alternian grubs. Troll pupation must be gruesome as sin, though.
    I'm afraid I'm not even sure what show that's supposed to be crossing over with, sorry. :(

    Little more sure of the reference on this one...

    Totally! Since most people aren't moving in until the middle of September, I'm living in a double room with no roommate, so there's even an extra bed you could have!

    I did see that. Oh, Gamzee. How I fear for your canon fate. ;-;
    "The major objective of the course is to teach students to use a variety of tools and skills required to conduct independent research in the fields of molecular and quantitative biology. While completing original research, students will gain proficiency with a variety of techniques that are used by molecular biologists, molecular geneticists, biochemists, and bioinformaticists."

    Harassing cells, mostly. It never gets old.
    Clearly I've been off Homestuck too long, since I had to reread that sentence twice to figure out why you found it funny.

    Well, for me the issue is that when I'm avoiding working on something (skool) I tend to be unable to work on anything because I'm too anxious about knowing I'm putting something off to focus properly. So my senioritis last year was pretty hard-hitting for all aspects of my productive life. Clearly I need to learn to master structured procrastination.) I hope you get out of your funk soon.

    I'm in a special summer course that starts Monday. It's eight hours a day, but in an air-conditioned building, so all in all a net win I think.
    That screencast does sound fun! Though those things always get me down; watching them it's like, "but that looks really easy!" and then I try to do it and I'm like "I was trying to draw a pokémon, how did I get a spongebeast monster instead??" The video class sounds like it could be pretty cool, although the projects for it could get pretty nasty. Good luck getting de-apathyed, though. A touch of senioritis, maybe?

    I'm at school now, hence my ability to be online at reasonable hours. Hence also my state of living in terror over being in a sea of strangers and not knowing how anything works around here, etc.

    I might kind of vaguely remember you saying that about the porygon, but idk. Consider it magicked, then.
    Ooh, thank you. I needed more fanstuff to procrastinate with slobber over!

    What's up, by the way? Is your new semester going okay?
    So I'm caught up on Homestuck now! And Goblet of Sick Fires is immensely entertaining. Any other art/fic you happened to see recently that's worth passing on?
    I mean like tcod's random sprite generator. something to randomly generate a pokemon. that you've made. you know. yes?
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