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  • Hey Kratos! =) psst hey, since we agreed to be affiliates like a super long time ago, you should put my link up =P

    And also ahh Tales of Symphonia! I hope you don't mind that every time we have a conversation I ramble on about this game... because I know you've played it and liked it, so. =) Did you ever play as Presea and/or think that she seemed really slow and clunky compared to Lloyd? I'm wondering if it's just me or if it has to do with their EX skills and stats...
    There are ways, but none of them are really worth it for the one month I'll be spending here. Le sigh.

    Ooh, yeah, I've seen that artist's work before. Her interpretations of the different denizens are pretty sweet, aren't they?

    Also, perhaps Dr. Kaminko's next experimental arena is... the luckless playing field? No more parahax. ;)
    Could be! I wasn't entirely sure myself, but since you're more familiar with the applet I'd hoped you'd be able to make more sense of it than me.

    That's a pretty nice calculator! And... random number generator! I ended up going with AMF's calculator when I needed one, so it's nice to see it cleaned up and expanded a bit. Can't see the Silverlight one at all, tho. Dumb library computers. =/

    Also, I wanted to post this on your blog, but for some reason the posts apparently wouldn't go through. Anyway, when I was thinking about the Dragon's Den,
    this piece of fanart pretty much captures the atmosphere I had in mind for it.
    Dunno if you've seen this already, but if not you probably want to:

    Wait, wouldn't each of those ominous winds only cost 8% energy? Because that's what I got, using Kratos' calculator.

    Last night when I checked, I'm pretty sure it said 9.
    ...but now it's being really strange, because at first it said 8, and then after pressing 'calculate' a few times it said 9...?

    edit: I did it manually and got 8, so Sky is right.

    I think it was some glitch that if you had the 'STAB?' option checked before, and then unchecked it, it would come up as 9 instead of 8. No idea why, but oh well. Anyway, commands.

    I don't know if that's actually a glitch or not, but it sounds like it could be.

    Also, Ghost Trick is soooo goood.
    Thanks for the update! =) As it happens, I've been at my new university campus for the last three days, registering and stuff, and didn't bring my laptop with me, so I didn't have access to the computer anyway. Everything seems to be in order now~

    I have so many ideas for AMC, but every time I think about implementing one of them, it seems like too much work and I don't try... I'm working on fixing that, kinda. xD;
    Kratos-- Altered Origin is down. This means the asbcalc is also down.

    Would you happen to have a standalone asbcalce .exe on hand?
    I'm hoping to find a Petil. Having a Liligant with Petal Dance+Own Tempo would make up for it just a little bit.
    *Wipes tear away from eye*. It is with a heavy heart that I bring this black news. During the battle with Lenora, Javony was hit by a retaliate from Watchog. He would have survived, due to Watchog having -1 attack and Javony having +1 defense, but alas, the RNG was cruel. The hit was a critical, and Javony died upon hitting the wall. I made sure that Watchog paid: I sent Jane out, and she managed to get a critical hit with a take down to bring the same fate to that blasted thing. Still, there shall always be an empty spot in my heart that Javony used to occupy....
    Yea, I'll take that. Even without wish, Vaporeons are AWESOME special tanks.

    You can say that again. I would ALWAYS have one on my pokemon during a Nuzlocke run. ALWAYS. Plus, it could have a niche in competitive market with providing a never ending lucky chant for that pokemon, thus meaning that with enough defensive boosts+recovery, something could live for an absolutely ungodly amount of time while the opponent can only spam super-effective hits that do very little compared to usual.
    Unfortunately, it can't be nicknamed. My friend gave it to me so I could train it way back when Pearl had just came out a few months before, but he never asked for it back before moving. I just went "Ok free shiny I guess."

    Argh, I need to get one of those myself. I really need to get a Vaporeon with the DW ability for a rain team that I am making-instant HP recovery+wakeup really would be nice.

    HOLY CRAP MOGUREW NEARLY GOT KO'd BY N's PIDOVE. It managed to get a crit, then two regular hits, so I healed Mogurew with a potion. Pidove actually got another crit on the turn I healed Mogurew-that crit would have killed him if I hadn't healed, since it would have done EXACTLY the right amount of damage to KO him. Now I'm paranoid around all Pidoves due to the fact that they could have Super Lucky, and thus have a high chance of screwing me over with unfair crits.
    oh, ok. It will most likely be after you get back from the tournament. Oh yea, I also just remembered that I also have a shiny Bronzong(level 33, trained, perfect attack IV, not nicknamed at all) up for trade, plus a DW Espeon(IV's TBD, since I'm still soft-resetting for good IV's+good nature+fighting type hidden power)

    Thanks! So far, I've only lost my Purrloin named "Nyan." I'm about to face Lenora soon, and hopefully my Servine(named "Janovy"), my Drilbur(named "Mogurew"), and my Herdier(named "Jane") can take down her pokemon with no casualties. Of course, in order to avoid getting OHKO'd by revenge from her Watchog, I have a Patrat(named "Meerkat") that knows Detect in order to waste her boosted attack.

    I also have a Pidove(named "Pidgey"), a Panpour(named "Larry"), and a Tympole(named "Mud Fish") in reserve.
    A question:

    Would a GAMESTP event Deoxys(no EV's, untrained, IV's to be determined soon), WISHMKR Jirachi(trained to hell, but I have enough EV-reducing berries to zero it out), Ranger Manaphy(trained slightly and nicknamed "Jakob), or a shiny Entei/Suicune/Raikou(all 3 from events, but Entei&Raikou are from the Japaneese movie one while Suicune is regular 'ole American Crown Beast) be enough for a shiny Garchomp, Togekiss, Eevee, Bagon, or Riolu?

    Just tell me what matchups would be fine, and I'll do the trade once I finish this nuzlocke I'm doing on White right now(no saving ftw! XD)
    You're welcome! And thanks to you, too. I have no patience for breeding. ^^

    Good luck to you and Negrek in the tournament!

    In hindsight, conkeldurr might've been more fitting. He is very STRONG, after all. But I prefer zoroark asthetically.
    Still, I'm not so confident about the battle going my way at all. I screwed up pretty bad in the beginning with not stopping the grass+fire pledge combo, forgetting that Tepig's can learn yawn(at least gen III pokes actually have access to sleep talk! :P), and a few other things that were easily avoidable.

    (BTW, here is the post saying that a pokemon can chill/use sleep talk while asleep, just in case you were wondering where I got my info about it)
    Say, did you get the PM with the semifinal round appeals of the Metronome Contest? Not rushing you, I just get the feeling I accidentally didn't send them.
    Eep, I think I regret taking you on in my first ASB battle ever. You're currently handing my ass to me in our battle T-T.
    Hey my reffing will probably actually be a few more days; we have train Wi-Fi to bum off of so I will actually get a chance to post it but I only actually got it mostly done on the bus here. (Hello from between Negrek and surskitty.)
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