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  • BlackGlasses are great even when they're useless (hence, my Machop having one). When they're actually pretty useful, they're the best item that can be held.

    Maybe he can use that in order to suddenly deal with it if he has a status condition or the like?
    Well, I don't really care, since I don't really need more additions to the squad.

    Also, you've got the best Sandile ever there.
    Sorry 'bout that. I was basically just looking for a way to explain the restriction I put on that arena, and that was the first thing I found.
    Hey, Kratos-- could I make Metallica Fanboy vs. Kam IV take place in a Doctor Kaminko Experimental Stadium? I had a really cool concept planned for it.
    Heh, love the secondary colors theme.

    Out of complete curiosity, where does your Giratina avatar come from?
    I was not aware that the tournament had started early, no - I had assumed that it would start on June 1st as planned, so I didn't think to keep checking. However, now that I know about it, I've already started working on it. Thanks for letting me know.
    OK, then. I have half the round written out; I just need Byrus to confirm his desire for continued participation in the battle.

    And you're welcome :)
    They would make for a smooth, soft and comfortable killer landing mat.
    Thanks for the gems.

    Now I can do not only one but two acrobatic fucking pirouettes off the handle.
    haha, that's totally okay; I completely forgot about it until this morning. But then I'm forgetful anyway! :D
    All I ask is a computer that can run Pokémon Online and an internet connection. I have discovered that I can have either one or the other, but not both at once. </wrists>
    Ahaha, best fanart.

    And no, we don't have internet at home. I'm at my grandma's. Why, Grandma, why do you always have better technology than we do, even though you don't actually know how to use it and it's still pretty shitty compared most people's. *much lamentation, rending of garments, etc.*
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