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  • Hi!

    I kind of lost your train of thoughts about what you intended to do with your unwanted Chimchar in the Birthday Center, so if nobody wants it I would be glad to take it. If you want anything in exchange, I'll see what I can do. I don't know what I could offer that you can't buy, but oh well. We'll just see.

    Have an ice day. (Cuz its hot in here)
    It being kind of ew is the point. I might relent later, but yes, I know that it means if you lose in a 1vs1 you get nothing and item-evolving pokémon wouldn't be able to evolve even if they were sent out, etc.
    None within walking distance, no. I would totally go there if I could, because McDonald's wi-fi is supposed to work with DS's, and then I could actually do Dream World things and stuff. There's a Starbuck's, but it's always packed, and I'd have to buy an outrageously expensive drink each day to justify my sitting around and taking up space for a couple of hours.

    That's too bad! Good luck with whatever-it-is-that's-big.
    Half the time it doesn't want to load anything at all. =/

    I hope your attempt to get things under control is going well. Even if it's not, I can at least assure you that you aren't the world's biggest lazyass.
    The change will affect you far less than many other people.

    There used to be a phantom "Also" in your last post below the "re:" line. I was just commenting on that.
    0_o In a system where there are already a skabajillion fakemon, you want to give people the option to add more?

    And nope! It's even more delightful.

    As of now only AHBE moves, although I'm sure someone would jump on a "teach ur pokémon an attack it learned only in an older generation" business soon enough.

    Do they take just any fakemon submissions over there? It seems like most people like what they have, so I was under the impression that they're mostly not terrible.
    My, what amazing prescience you have! I'd just made the decision Friday that we'd be going to "only moves available in fifth gen" as of the next major hack revision in August. Along with one other major rules change that is no doubt going to be even more wildly popular. So you managed to foresee about half that announcement a week or so in advance.

    And then the "200+ fakemon" made me realize you were talking about OIASB rather than this one, but anyway. Clearly I am all in favor.
    Protip: you don't have to read it; just kind of look at the "how to build a character for lazy people" part, follow that, and then anything you don't know about people at the table will remind you of the rules again and again 'til you get it. And you don't really have to know anything about the rules even then; when in doubt, just roll a d20 and make up a number to add to it, and you're good! (People who play D&D will be able to guess my preferred alignment from this description.)
    Maybe tomorrow or something. I'm trying to at least pay a *little* attention to D&D right now.
    Have there really been no flash updates at all recently? I haven't seen anything since like June 9th.
    Orange is a good place to live. Personally, I'm very interested in green, and I have been all my life.
    It was when I'd replaced the rest of my postbit, yes! But nobody mentioned that, either.

    I don't think these people were around then, no.
    It's a teensy little plugin. Similar to how I did the April Fool's avatars, yes.

    (Why have I gotten three messages about this so far and nobody even commented that time I had the changing Hanekoma avatars... they weren't even random!)
    It's totally going to be my background forever, too, once my computer and I stop being in different states!

    She's welcome, of course.
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