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  • how did you get your name slanted? i though you name is bolded if you are a mod and bolded and slanted if you are the administrator,but what does slanted mean you are,or can you change it?
    Okay, you win. Everything in the post you just made is practically what I'd like for the next tournament.
    Well, little battles require the right moves EXACTLY. You've got low EVs to work with, so you need to make a plan. Very, very skillful.
    Hey. Very small question, after your Shoddy tournament finishes, can we have a little battle tournament? That'll be a test of wits.
    Yeah, that would probably get pretty tedious... I could just tell it to stop making backup copies and backup stuff a different way more frequently, but that's probably not going to happen. xD So I 'spose I'll just leave it.

    ...Though I should still backup my stuff kinda frequently; after all, both the actual file and the backup are in the same place, so if something happens to that place, then poof... xD
    Oh. Yeah, I saw.

    This skin needs to have more contrast between links and normal text. D:
    Hi Kratos! ^^ How are you? Hey, you know the MS Word backup thing? Do you know if there's a way to set it up so it automatically puts the backup into a separate folder? xD;; I'm a neat freak and want to separate the backups from the actual thing... ehehe. But if not I'll just live with it. =3 Talk to you later!
    Hi, you gave me some advice on how to improve my pokemon art in my thread and I was wondering if you could take a look at my new pieces and tell me if they've improved please. All my new ones are in my thread. Thanks.
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