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  • So I was reading the Homestuck Wild Mass Guessing TVTropes page and I found this:

    "Jade will make a Portal Gun.

    Because what other weapon would be more fitting for the Witch of Space to wield?"
    ERRR*coughs* (8U) (maybe look it up on wikipedia?)

    x3 (it depends on the show.)

    Yessssh!! (also, if I don't reply the rest of the night it's cuz I don't feel too well :U)
    EEER...(8V) (and that's a good thing :D)

    x3 (and my mom loves British shows.)

    A killing spree he wants :3
    EERRREE? (D8) (Ok, I'll try...it's an evil statue, that has been killing me. :D?)

    x3 (I don't know why, I just don't D: Like when Britsh people say little.)

    Psychos make everyting fun :DD
    ERE...(:C) (xD It's hard to explain actually...)

    x3 (I actually don't like britsh accents...I don't know why xD)

    He is quite the fun character :3
    ERRRR...(;-;) (...you don't get it huh?)

    x3 (you charm them with your accent huh? xD)

    ...is it a bad thing if I already love him? ^-^ One down...some more to go!
    ERR...(truly.) (yesh. He keeps killing me :|)

    x3 (have you ever gotten on their bad side?)

    What comic is he in? I wish to know :3
    ERRR(inorite...) (evil gargoyle.)

    x3 (Oh dear, they must be so evil.)

    Ah...I see, I see..."So, how about a quick killing spree before coming back to work?"
    ERRRR(can'tdosquiggles) ( It's like an RPG game that is starting to annoy me xD)

    x3 (really? I think the gym teachers get extra money for doing it xD)

    What is that avatar...
    ERRR!! (don't feel bad, I just got DragonQuest and I can't stop playing it)

    x3 (our ISS watchers/teachers/people are the gym teachers xD)
    ERR? (I got threatened with a call home today x3 My teacher said I was being very immature this week.)

    x3 (It's funny when going in ther and they stop working and stare at you.)
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