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  • ;3
    EEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEE (I can throw my voice but it gets me weird looks from people xD)

    x3 (I still don't know. He had ISS again today.)
    EREREREREREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEREEREREEERREE (it's like you have two different voices :O!!)

    x3 (it turns out the person that got in trouble today decided to apologize to me on Facebook. Well that was unexpected.)
    EEERRREREERERREEREREEEEEE (Woaaah. Do people know this too :O?)

    I know her name...and that's about it x3
    EEEEEEEEEEEREEEEEEEEEEEEEREEEEE (haha xD Did you come from England :D?)

    I must learn who this person is! :D

    Really? :D
    EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE (Omigosh I didn't know until now o.o)

    Megan Pham...xD
    WHEEEEEEEEEEE (Haha, but not crafty enough }:3)

    Haha, I've never known someone with the name Pham before x3
    WHEEEEEE (she was threatening o-o but she never got it :3)

    Wait, what, what? Nooo! My last name is on there I didn't change it. It's the word difficult to say with an 's' but it's not silver x3
    THEN WE CAN SILENTLY LAUGH AS THEY FLYYYYY (My friend tried to record me singing too, it didn't work though x3 She wanted to put it on Facebook x3)

    :3 I must find this person who has the last name of pham! That's my actual last name...it's so odd. x3
    BUT NOT IF ITS A TERRORIST AND HE GOES BOOM AND MAKES YOU ASPLODE! (I just might...I've been in a singing mood lately. C:)

    Yay! :D Woah it isn't?! I've been misled x3
    EXPLOSIONS ARE FUN. EXCEPT IF YOU GET BLOWN UP D: (Ha, I've been told by you and Blade!)

    Ok! My first name is Aubrey, I'll send itt!
    EXPLOSIONS? YAY! (I've been told that by two people.)

    /suchaconversationstalker FACEBOOK BUDDIES :O!
    OMIGOSH WHATS GOING TO HAPPEN. (Haha, I'm currently trying to prove to my friend I can't sing x3)

    Hm...*still suspicious* Are you sure...
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