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  • (it deserved it.)
    Did I mention my... um... *snaps fingers* Shinx that knows Fire Fang, Thunder Fang and Ice Fang?
    *attempts to capture the Raikou*

    What's your team? I always was able to use my starter pokemon...unless you have Typhlosion.

    I found him in the recycling bin.

    Cuz he was the only one I could find atm.


    ...*kicks Blade in the shin*

    *ok then* (that little ting that looks like a rock*

    *slowly moves forward*

    Woud you like some bubbling wine?


    I don't understand why...I just started thinking, "Y'know, this guy reminds me of Blade..." And he kinda acts like you...I bet the girl character acts like me...o.o
    alrighty then. But she has a Bannete, a Sneasel and she apparently has a bin full of body parts somwhere.

    I'm frankly worried about her state of mind.
    Nope. Instead you need to do stuff with the buttons and the touch screen and crap. :3 You can sing? I wish I could. :c

    Mhm, I see.

    <NO one kNOws? Damn.> Wow, really? Good thing it was lifted. That's sort of silly, though, that'd they'd ban you from Pokemon. :U

    Hmm, s'pose that's true.

    ...I... I really suck at math, this is just hurting my brain. xD <333

    *hug* I suppose, but then again, for your anniversary you end up going some place the day of your marriage, and Valentine's day is on a school day, and my parents have three children... Well, one of my brothers is nineteen. That's not exactly a child. But anyway, they all have to go to school, and if they leave, then only our grandmother can take care of us, and ahhhhhh it's confusing. Same here. KDJDKVFJUSDMVISMNDSISNSAYYYYAAAAYYAYAYAUFIEFFIEJIEURERJVERUIFIPFHEPFRT4EFHREFUIHEIDFGURHGFPIEHIHFIEWHFIUEHFH! *hug> C:

    I haven't got a full team planned out, but I do know that I want Snivy, Kumsyun, and Sazandora on my team. I'll wait a while before I plan anything out.
    Do you have a dragon type with you?

    Oh...do you know anyone that's a ref who's free?

    *looks around* ...you can come out now Banette...*Banette comes from the bushes* Ba... *cleans up body parts*

    ...oh yea. *finds a Mawile* Capture on! *captures Mawile* ... *walks back to Blade*


    *jumps on Blade's back and makes him give her a piggy-back ride*

    *you wanna cuddle or snuggle?* (yea, that, and that Dango thing)

    *calls Banette*

    Oooh, I have had that :3 It's good. (You should pay more attention to these things.)

    With a Sun Stone. :3

    Did you know that the ranger partner in the game that's a by reminds me of you? I really don't know why, but he does.
    ...Blade has given a suitable excuse. CLAIR WILL GO DOWN!!

    Oooooh. Isn't he a ref though?

    Yes, it was a good thing. Uh...you have body parts all around you...ya'know?

    *walks to away to get it fixed*


    *sneaks up behind Blade*

    *cuddle and snuggle* (hm...most likely the elemental monkeys, but not the fire one, I like his second evolution :3)

    *Sneasel now walks up to me* }:)

    Oooh, fruity drink! XD (...you didn't know?)

    Let's see if Blade knows about Churine, when does it evolve?
    I'm going to smack you. Hitomoshi evolves at level 41, then you use the dusk stone. You were way oooff.
    *points to other most recent post* Did you ask Blastiose to ref our battle?




    OH NOOOO!!

    *scary isn't it?* (INORITE. Bibarek isn't that great either.)


    Starbucks is too expensive~ (Ask Oceanic, it's summer there.)

    OH, I'll check Veekun. (Yea, it does ^_^)
    I got it for the DS. :3 It's such an adorable game.

    Ah, I see. And when it's stuff like that, THAT'S when I give up and use another label for it.

    <I don't kNOw!> Right? Though when we try and tell them that they don't listen. Humph.

    Ghosts are awesome, though.

    <33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 + <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<3

    *hug* If I'm correct, my mom's and dad's anniversary is on Valentine's Day. :3 Celebrated...? Because I know from an Australian friend that theu jus call it Boxing Dau rather than celebrate it... Hm, that's something to look up on Google.

    I KNOOOOOOOW~! I'm getting Black and a female Snivy. :3 What about you?
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