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S. E.
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  • Agreed on the worlds characters belong to (Transformers arc for the win!) But to be honest, i can't see any real way to motivate the non-posters. Sure, we could "pause" their character, but they might never come back, forcing us to keep their character on an infinite pause.
    Agreed on the whole long list thing. Spire might be explainable, somehow, but one look at either form of Bonecruher and Ravage and there would be some sort of unretconnable panic.

    Skymin should also do something about the lack of posts by the members.
    I feel so... appreciated all of a sudden.

    That was probably a bad choice of words. Anyways, I've kinda lost my Rping swing, if only because of my absence (Alas, poor Outsiders, i hardly knew ye.) I'm glad Rift is still (kinda) going strong, but it would help if Storm was on a bit more.

    I suddenly feel like a hypocrite.
    I want to say I'll be busy for another week starting... Sunday?

    I don't know. My schedule's about as random as Sakurai's game mechanic ideas.
    Screw this! *jumps into random wormhole leading to hyrule and takes texan dedede with me* You are all alone with meta knight for all of eternity now!
    Hey look! Its giratin-OHCRAPAHHHH *giratina breaks tri force* GIRATINANOOOWHATHAVEYOUDONE *universe starts dissinigrating*
    Eevee, you are out of your mind.......*dark world theme randomly plays as I summon the tri force* HYAAAAAAAAAH! *rope breaks* YOU WILL PAY FOR TRYING TO KILL ME
    ^_< (thats how broken my eyes are after all the slapping) *dedede slaps my forehead* How the heck did he get involved?!
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