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  • That makes two of us then. xD

    And nope. I'm not interested in the slightest to be honest.
    And to think I was the drama queen. xDDDDDDDDD Just kidding, just kidding.
    Although, it would be nice to actually communicate with you verbally rather than wait a million years for your text messages (plus it would help improve my verbal communication skills by speaking with you. ^^)
    Heh, you called me bro! ^^ Thanks... bro. :love::love::love: (...Oh wait, this isn't DA. xD).

    If you don't want to ask it, then you don't have to you know. If you do decide to ask, however, I suggest sending it by PM since it's personal.

    EDIT: Huh, I didn't know the :-insert word here-: emoticons worked like that on TCoD
    Nice! ^^ As for me, I feel indifferent. All I got for Christmas were $105 and a box of chocolates. Meh, better than nothing I guess. =P

    Speaking of $105, I'm saving that up to buy this hat. It's for a hat design contest, and one way to win the contest is for somebody to buy your hat design. In return, two hats are made— one for the client and the other for the person who designed the hat! I'm buying it to help a friend of mine (and it's the least I could do as a Christmas present for one of my best friends ever! =D). If you were to join that kind of contest, I would do the same for you (provided that I have the money to make the purchase).
    Ahhh, I had a feeling something was up; sorry about those multiple requests. Well, at least we could still chat here. ;)
    So how are you these days?
    Is it too much of me to ask why you didn't accept the request? :? FB is rather boring without you, you know. =/ (Although I still go there for the online typing games, which are pretty fun I guess). Unless it's still not safe, I understand.

    EDIT: Odd, I keep sending multiple requests but it always has the same effect. Weird....
    I knew you would post a VM as soon as you noticed my name changed. (Besides everybody liked Skroy better than Zritts. =P).

    ...Is it safe to add you back on FB?
    Get The Gun Seller?
    Do it. It's an elaborate parody of gun novels, but it is written well. the language gives off a nice perspective.

    Did I mention it was wirrten by House? *shot* Seriously, Hugh Laurie is apperantly an author.
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