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  • She has a real emotional connection with a lot of people. I think it's natural for her, considering her age and her bonds.
    Well, I asked what was wrong, confided half of my life story, found out it was for nothing, and ended up here.

    You live in NC?
    Oi, I wish I would have read your conversations before responding to Mewtini's PM.

    What's up?

    Egg hatching. That is horrible. Maybe it's just because I'm hatching tirougas, snivies (?), and larvestas (also an occasional zorua) but still egg hatching takes so long. Hatching gothitelle isn't much better either. Hopefully sometime you can get on, then. I think you'd like it (well, at least I do). Also it gives you egg moves without having to do the breeding thing (see Visionary's pending signature attribute, I'm horrible). My furret has covet!

    EDIT: Why furret having covet is significant is because I absolutely love linoone and I had one named Ziggy who knew surf, covet, secret power, and something else. Hoenn is so full of nostalgia and therefore it's my favorite region.

    On Black and White? I don't know where they're found, really, but good luck! On my team, I'm in Chargestone Cave and just caught a joltik named Vagabond and a drilbur who I'm calling Noir. Also due to the Dream World, I now have a furret with frisk named Nepeta! I love furret~ <3
    I think she was just blown out a bit. You may want to ask Mawile about that; Mewtini said something about talking to him.
    "Hey. I'm not in a talking mood just now...I won't be on TCoD for a while. Bye."

    She thought that meant that you were annoyed at her, I think, and that she'd brought it on by asking too many questions.
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