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  • (TH3N 1 MUST BR1NG YOU TO JUS1C3! >:[ But then they would all die! I just hope they get more sopor slime :[ )

    D0 that if y0u must.

    They will n0t st0p. H0w is that hard t0 understand?
    (YOU M34N VR1SKA? I liked him too! But now I think he's dead, which I guess is fine because crazy/sober Gamzee isn't as awesome. D: )

    Y0u may celebrate if it amuses y0u.

    It depends. 0ften they ask me t0 settle sc0res with the tr0lls wh0 killed them, th0ugh they d0 advise me 0n matters 0f the game. They are never quiet.
    (1T JUST OCCUR3D TO M3 TH4T B3ING BL1ND WOULD POSS1BLY B3 QU1T3 FUNNY. (I keep on defaulting to Terezi! It's just too big a temptation!))


    They say many things. I learned to listen alth0ugh s0me 0f it slips past. They are always talking, y0u see.
    8D I changed my signature now.


    Aww, I have to go to bed in three minutes :c Goodnight in advance in case I suddenly disappear!
    (Oh, really? I'm glad I'm not blind, then! x3)

    I supp0se we did.

    N0t entirely. The gh0sts assure me it is a reas0nable, g00d 0ne that is quite imp0rtant, th0ugh.
    (Woah when did you change your name?)

    I would be 0kay with that.

    0verall it is crucial in unscrutiable ways. 0nly the spirits kn0w what makes this time and decis0n im0rtant.
    But I wanted Bec to learn teleport... :/

    Then I will ch00se Aradia. It was inevitable, and it is essential t0 this current timeline.
    TG: oh
    TG: good for you
    TG: and at least i was still alive and it was just a doomed dave then
    TG: what's the worst that could happen with jadesprite?
    TG: im alright
    TG: and ironic
    TG: but these trolls are annoying the hell out of me
    TG: what's up on your end?
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