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  • >:3

    ;-; Oh, well then...but I still kind of feel bad that you would've gotten my former Mienfoo but it's not exsisting now...;-;
    Fuuuu lucky you.

    ;-; I guess it's seen as cheating...sorry Silver, it's kind of my fault for telling you...;-;
    I just dealt with it, and spent less time online that day.

    Black and white aren't really normal colors! They're not really colors at all! Yeah. I used to have it on Axe Murderer, but I didn't really like the pidgey and mew buttons so when I saw the Roar of Time dialga stuff I switched quickly. I actually would have liked a different slogan (like 'where everyone is equal for all time' or something) but yeah. I like it. :)
    Hm. I try to use Bachuru style, but my cookies hate me and whenever I go to a new page, it reverts to Dewgong style which hurts my eyes.

    ;-; And so did all 9 of my Pokemon and more..;-;
    I was so happy when I saw the Dave one. That's all.

    And I could see that :c Also, have you read the new REAL chapter of Morphic II not by Espeon?
    Well, i've practically memorized my phone thingies, so it wouldn't be too hard to fix.
    XD It's different if you convulsed because of it :P

    Yeah...let me go delete that post...and at least you do! I should go check what I have...
    Yes, I jumped with joy when I saw it! :D

    And uh, I think Negrek took away all things exploited from that glitch. Is your money gone too? And all of my PC Box Pokemon are gone too, except for the Vulpix...
    1) OW OW MY HEAD (Really, I had to step away. I think I convulsed...)
    2) Hm, ironic!

    Oh no, I got sick from that >_<
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