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  • Silver, what did you think of the SHAHJ style, the Dave Strider style, and the Bachuru style?

    But I don't view our conversation when I type, I view your profile.
    Yeah, it didn't help that my eyes were already watery. :P

    But Axe Murder doesn't have any colors at all! I dunno, TCoD just has kind of become... white text on black-blue background. To be honest, I doubt I'll ever change.
    For me its:

    Haha that's really kinda funny! ... Okay now my eyes are bothering me.

    Urgh I don't like minimal dewgong but so I guess its ironic that I love it.

    :D I kinda like even though I have yellow and bachuru is so cute!

    I'm staying Roar of Time. I just love the blue on that style.
    No, the list does not lie. I used the glitch too many times, like I said.

    (Sure! I'll post in the Black Market and hopefully it won't eat my post D:)
    :33 Nepeta joke ^^

    (Oh, sorry! Here's the list (minus Tsuki, of course) Here you go~)

    Blazetail (Female Vulpix) <Flash Fire>
    Deathly Creature (Female Venipede) <Swarm>
    Starry Flight (Female Pidove) <Super Luck>
    BlazeMane (Female Ponyta) <Flash Fire>
    Aquatic Starry Night (Unknown Staryu) <Illuminate>
    Lightrunner (Female Blitzle) <Lightningrod>
    Small Berry Bird (Female Natu) <Early Bird>
    Aquadragon (Female Horsea) <Sniper>
    Creamer (Female Mienfoo) <Regenerator>
    Psychvoid (Female Ralts) <Trace>
    Wispirit (Female Gastly) <Levitate>

    Yes, I used the glitch waaay too much.
    I was wondering why it took so long for a post to appear! (Yes, I was on the thread refreshing every few minutes.)

    (Ahh. Same here. And do I have any Pokemon you'd like? Offering any Pokemon out of my PC Box except for the Tsuki.)
    Look at my PC Box Pokemon, then you shall know what I bought.

    (Hmm...how about what are you doing?)
    Twix! Yummy! Also I love Shuppet :3

    (Let's start now. Er...what should we talk about?)
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