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  • Ughhh i keep procrastinating that... we need more UN members first though. I'll put mine up when I can be half-assed to.
    Yesh, we'll get more members that way :D
    I'll make the shop when I get back, and link to the club and all that x]
    XD Yesh. That's a good idea, but I don't think we should merge with Titress, I think we should make the shop and hold try-outs for our Dark Side members who wanna join, so that we get the best of the best :D
    Oh wow. Custom dark side avatars would be amazing if you knew how to make them :o
    Like, they choose a pokemon, and someone makes an avatar of that pokemon except with the colors very dark-ish and the words "The Dark Side" on it in creepy letters x]
    Ooh yes. Very good idea. Yeah, I really need to update everything in the group, I haven't in a while cuz no one was active and there was only two members XD
    Well, you get 3 cookies for every piece of art, including sprites, that you make specifically for the clan. You rank up depending on how many cookies you have, and higher ranks are able to do more stuff, though I'm still figuring out what xD
    I just looked. I'm tempted to join your animal spirits RP, but I'm really bad at playing human characters. :U
    Ah, thank you! Very, very much! I wouldn't say that I'm "famous", though. Most of my VMs are VMs from a handful of people, actually. A lot of people do know me, though. And again, haha, thank you! You're very nice yourself!
    I see what you're getting at, but I think I'll just let it die. No point in a hasty ending, it won't be as good as if we had actually finished it.

    No point trying to feed a dead camel.
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