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  • Age has nothng to do with it. I was five when that happened. Over the next 8 years, I'vve lost him, my grandfather, my uncle, my father, and the one friend I knew died without warning over the weekend last month. I've nearly lost my mother to another cancer which I may or may not get, suffer from anemia, which theorectially isn't too bad, a bad leg, ditto, shaky hands, and the afformed sweating. i've been mocked and bothered more times than I care to remeber and thus have a problem with approaching ANONE.

    This is why I don't like pity much, but there are poeple with much worse and I don't dwell -.-
    Happened to see this:
    "Now listen, I never suggested making a fan club or a thread about Nottie; that's just downright crazy, even for me! The ones who did so were Minkow, Pokemonaholic, mehwmew (who got banned as a result) and Scyther."

    Okay, if I need to clear it up, I wasn't SERIOUSLY going to make a thread in the Debating Hall, it was sarcastic joking. No need to say I'm downright crazy.
    Not ever going NEAR the fact that a)Seb's a six-year-old who not only doesn't understand rasicm, he wouldn't CARE. He talks to everyone. Now said child is AFREAID TO LEAVE THE HOUSE AND HAVING NIGHTMARS OF A POINTY SHOVEL WEILDING NEIGHBOR.
    and b)Again, neightbor. A guy who seemed like a nice guy, but FUCKING THUS.
    c) I have a prov=blem with rasicm. It has todo with the fact that when my grandpa and nan went shoppping, they got ombarded with water ballooons a while back. I was five, and didn't really get it. Still bothered me....also a neighbor. Do I just have to live next to assholes?

    And that's not even mentioning the whole "ooooh, [Typh] sweaats, she's going to give us caanceeer like her other cousin gooooot and diiiiiied frooom, it's her falaaaau-*is interupted by me destroying their skulls*
    I am so sorry I couldn't reply, my computor refused to load tcod and I had to use my bro's laptop. Anyway, Your Buizel Man avatar was better.
    Happiness, relaxtion, jitterness, bliss, all those combined.

    Well, I could have made yellow lines. I mean seriously, it better then mine, but you could have just TOLD me.
    ....Oh, more euphoria...

    This is wicked. But come on, you didn't edit it all that much...
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