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  • Meh, you can try to guess my middle name if you want. xD

    Which conversation? There were two parts; one about newbie, and one about Conan.

    And before I forget, number two is S. One, two, four, eight, sixteen...once you said Layton I remembered it. I went to the computer so I could see the questions.

    And number one is hard. I don't remember it. Any hints?
    I keep trying to be friends with minkow, but she doesn't answer much when I vm her ;_; striking convos is hard....
    If I got a pet owl, I would name it Kepoora Geboora after the owl in oot. Also, I just think its a cool name =3
    Yep. xp After Hayley Mills, who was in a buch of old movies like The Parent Trap, and Pollyanna I THINK. I like it, but people always misspell it. ALWAYS. Yet I know at least two Hayleys with the same spellings, so it isn't that uncommon. 0.o
    Knew you'd catch that. I don't like picture/sculpture/painting/computer art. I like singing and dancing and acting and writing. And playing the flute, to an extent, I suppose.
    Not really. I like musical or academic things better than artsy things. And I like soccer, too. ^^
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