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  • Probably cooling off, drawing, or she is out doing something. Though I do remember convo-stalking something about her explaining why she hasn't been on lately.
    Ctrl+Alt+PrtScn I believe is how you do so.

    I gotta watch that movie. I've been so busy hyping the new Kara no Kyoukai movie and fangasming over the amount of screentime Azaka gets, as well as her fight, I haven't been paying too much attention to anything but that, as well as like, three other anime >.>
    Hmm, what can you say?


    Oh, and read the new fanfiction Maggots. It's increidibly creepy. Short, though.
    Ehk. Do you read the subtitles? That's what I do, and I've learned how to say a few (rather useless) words and sayings.
    Me too <.<

    I want to send you an e-mail with a picture of me, but I can't find any that are recent...

    What's up with you?
    Ehh. All my time on the computer has been going towards writing my fan-fic, and making a hack for Butterfree.

    And my brother has come back from Maryland, so I've been with him. Be cheerful; I'm now at my Mum's house.

    Oh, and I'm super-obbsessive over werewolves.
    I was having trouble navagating DCTP, so I went back to onemanga to check for an update. There was one - by DCTP. xD So we're reading the same thing.

    Checking the question...ugh, still stumped. I always used my hint coins really fast in the game. I had none for the last few puzzles.
    I fail. The end. I can usually do patterns, but I can't find any at all. XC
    Conan is awesome. The people on onemanga are taking forever to update, though.

    1231...12:31PM? No, that doesn't make sense, looking at the rest of it...a repeating sequence?
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