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  • See? There you go again. You see Skroy, there's a differance between 'humble 'and 'totally destroying yourself'. But that's not the point I suppose.

    Her, him...potato, potato (heh). Typh will always be a he in my mind, no matter what.

    And whenever my brother looks over my shoulder to see what I'm doing, I'm always PMing someone. He likes to joke around and say that you don't really exist.
    Skroy, Typh isn't rejecting you. Nothing in your convo said that to me.

    You see, Skroy, if you're going to be depressed about something, make it valid. Typh said he didn't like TALKING to you, he never said anything about his relationship with you.

    P.S. My brother says you're not real.
    I know! I was so sad when I heard. But that means it's going together really interesting now.
    Well, don't let whatever I said come off as harsh.

    You can most certainly continue. Just, don't, well, show it off. Don't display. And most definatly do not call yourself a stalker.
    Hmm... Well what else appeals to you? I might be able to help there xD

    I thought Lupin vs. Conan was already subbed though? Cause my dad downloaded it a while ago and was watching it o.o
    Oops. Unspecific. I like the episode where Conan and his voice double meet.

    Everything Conan-related is epic.
    lolyoucantreadthisoimmasaywatyoocantreadwhydoesminkownevertalktomeiwantoobefriendslolhavea cookieilikeursigowlsarestillcool
    Oh, Skroy...

    Really, I don't think he means he doesn't want to talk to you... He just finds you occasionally annoying and.... when you call yourself a stalker, well, IT CAN BE CREEPY. I don't find it creepy, but I wouldn't be surprised if someone did.

    Gah. I feel as if I'm not being helpful.
    Well, I suppose he was writted before he was animated... But yeah. xD I like that epsode.

    Kogoro's voice is funny. Really...gravelly, I suppose.

    May I repeat that the movie was EPIC? ^•^
    Dang. Anyway I downloaded the sonic sez episodes and spoofed them in windoes movie maker. I wish I could upload them and show you but I am a year too young too join youtube.
    Oh. Well, I got it right for the wrong reason! ^^;

    Naw, subbed. It was the first thing that came up, and I doubt they have all of the movies dubbed anyway, so I might as well watch them all subbed.
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