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  • Ahh... Yeah... I'm not particularly excited about the Innocence patch... But it just kinda made me rage from the fact that I'd have to wait longer for a patch for Destiny Director's Cut *wasn't entirely happy with Innocence's story* Ruca was kind of annoying.
    I honestly don't know...going around killing people for some unknown purpose? Tracking down Haibara?

    I can't help but wonder what the Shuu/Akai in the department store is doing, who he really is, if he's not an imposter from the BO, and how he got the burn...

    And I love your new avatar, although my davourite character is Ran. ^^
    Yeah, throughhim went and 'broke some Hearts' with that last Innocence preview of his... I honestly don't get his reasons; it just sounds like he's lazy, when you really think about it. But I guess that just means he'll have more time to do Destiny Director's Cut with the team at Phantasian Productions.
    For the same reason we didn't get any of the other 2D Tales games after Eternia; Namco seems to have it set in their mind that people in the US don't like 2D games. When the PSP version of Rebirth came out last year, XSeed games actually wanted to localize it, but Namco declined their offer.

    It's a real shame too. Especially since Rebirth's my personal favorite Tales game... After Hearts =P (The development, and pacing of Hearts are amazing. Not to mention, the main character is almost as cool as Yuri xD)

    But seriously, let's not jump to any conclusions this time, or she'll kill us.

    Oh, and did I tell you I'm dying my hair blue?
    Precisly. Hence the term: Whiny brat. At least I don't have cancer or something ike that.

    I would, however, happily take it from Notory. Typh deserves it too, but if I had to choose, it would be Notory.
    Yes. Thats a good thing. Also You said syths siblings were the most youve ever heard. Well theres a family called the duggar family, and they have 18 KIDS. YES 18. THATS RIGHT, 18 O.e
    Oh no. Not at all.

    If I do say something that I hate, I'll sound like a whiny brat, however.


    I do not like my parents.

    My neighborhood.

    My school.
    Mmm, so any giant robot anime 'complex' for you? You should at least try out Gurren Lagann. There's not much complexity to it. Just pure, unadulterated fun.

    And I see what you mean about wanting to play the game. But the stories and dialogue are barely different. The only major difference between the two is one has monster encounters, and the other doesn't xD

    I wouldn't count on seeing Vesperia First Strike in English dubs anytime soon either, unfortunately... It's supposed to tie-in with the altered story in the PS3 version (It's more like a remake, then a port though, really) which, given Namco's track record of not giving us any of the good ports of a Tales game, we probably won't get it. It's why we never got the Full Voice Edition of Phantasia, and instead ended up with the crappy GBA version that was horribly translated.

    Yeah, Ryuusei no Rockman was good. Although I think .EXE was much better. If anything, it was original though. I still fail to see how using radio waves is a step ahead of the internet, and cyber-technology though... -_- Maybe my head's just emptier than a block of pomous.

    No you don't. Out of all of us on here, I can honestly say that I think I have the best lifestyle. And I hate it.
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