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  • I'm the same way. >_<
    And age, gender, and looks aren't really factors on the internet either.
    We can all be equals :D
    lol yeah, I posted like three or four things in that thread xD

    Mmm... Yeah, that's one of my problems is that I can't sit still for very long. I'm extremely fidgety. Plus, the only way for me to feel comfortable is by sitting on one of my feet until it goes numb >.> I also think one of the reasons I'm not driving yet is cause I'm scared of it *irrational fear of driving? what would we call that? Autophobia? Hmmm...*

    What would call a person if they had a phobia of having phobias? o_O[/RAnDOM]
    Yeah, I guess I just like to meet people. :DD
    For some reason, I find it easier to talk to people on the net then in real life.
    I just got my banner and absol pokeball requests done~

    Now I need to find out how to get it in my sig.. x,x
    A photo to confirm what, the way thought I looked? xD I dunno lol

    But yeah, I know what that's like... Searching for a job right now can be a little more than stressful. And family CAN be distracting sometimes too x.x But I do wish you luck on your driver's test! I haven't even started driving yet x.x I prefer walking/biking everywhere, or taking the bus u.u There's something about cars that I really hate, and I can't stand being inside them.
    Aww. ):
    I take it it's not something you want to talk about, but if you want to, I'm here. :D
    WOAH. I just sounded like a therapist. ~.~
    Ooh, Hajimari no Ishi was awesome <3 Which beat did you choose? I had to choose Enji... Cause of my obsession with cats and all things feline >.> Although I think it's more of a fetish... albeit not a sexual one X_X

    I've been able to play a few import games here and there... Most of them I'm too lazy to translate, so I use a walktrhough of some sort, or I don't know enough (Some of the stuff I've played is really, really text heavy). I think most of the foreign games I've played all the way through though are ones I actually own... Which is only like, 5 or 6 games... I need to double check what I have. I have the bad habit of playing like, 10 games at once >.>

    I just don't think I ever bought Innocence... That game became impossible to find for actual purchase about a month after it came out. I even had a hard time finding a copy of Hearts Anime Movie Edition, because nobody wanted the ugly looking CG FMV version (Trust me, it's ugly x.x)

    And for some reason, all this talk about JRPGs is making me want to replay Knights in the Nightmare... Have you played that yet?
    I hope I'm not bothering you by messaging you, but I get bored a lot and need people to talk to. :D
    (no siblings URGH.)
    Yeah... Ooh, well, you can still play Hearts though xD It's not quite the same, but there's a walkthrough for it on GameFAQs. Though the guy didn't translate absolutely everything in the game (He only translated what's really needed), he did enough so that the player would know what the heck is going on, and he did what a walkthrough implies; it basically walks you through the game, helps out with some of the puzzles, and gives hints on various battles too.

    Plus, it's also really helpful that he explains all of the in-game systems, like the Soma Evolve and stuff.
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