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  • Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, and nope.

    And now you understand why I like to go into the forest.


    And.... My Mum's getting married, which will add two more.
    Heh, well Dragon Ball Z doesn't count; it should've ended with the Freeza Saga, as far as I'm concerned. I don't think you'd have much to worry about with Kara no Kyoukai if you watched it; as I've said, it's based off of a Japanese novel. And a really good one. Not to mention, they're movies. The only thing is that they can be confusing if you don't pay attention.

    But if you don't like things where the plot moves along slowly, there's a ton of anime you could watch. It's pretty much guaranteed that the plot won't move slowly if the series is a 25 or 50 episode series. Unless it's FLCL, or Shinigami no Ballad (Which I thought was a very sweet as chocolate ice cream series. It was cute), most 12 episode series or anything shorter will feel rushed. Unless it's an OVA (Check out Baldr Force.EXE; that shit is awesome) If you like fast paced, and over the top, then check out Gurren Lagann, and S-Cry-Ed. Both are very,very good, but S-Cry-Ed is a little better, I feel. If giant robots interest you, check out Heroic Age, Sousei no Aquarion, or Linebarrels of Iron (I'm assuming Gundam is out of the question, since they tend to have relatively complex and slow moving stories, unless you're watching G-Gundam, or 08th MS Team. Gundam Seed doesn't count either, cause that was one of the worst pieces of crap I've ever seen in my life. The only good things that came out of it were the Freedom and Justice Mobile Suits...).

    Also, for the record, if you haven't watched it yet, watch Tales of the Abyss. It's the only thing Namco's completed in terms of anime based off of game, and it tells the story quite well in 26 short episodes. And if you've played Symphonia, and liked the Lloyd/Colette pairing, check out the Tales of Symphonia OVA. It not only embellishes on that relationship, it would also get you ready for the next 4 episodes that are supposedly coming out next year xD

    Oh yeah, and check out Rockman.EXE/Mega Man NT Warrior. It never finished, I don't think, but it's a really good series; it takes quite a few liberties on the story of each game, but for the most part, follows the basic plot. And there's also the Ryuusei no Rockman anime as well. I don't know if they're gonna go further with it, but they've covered everything up to the end of the 2nd game just last Spring. I do hope they cover Black Ace/Red Joker though.
    Heh. Kinda like my sister:

    "Isaac, why would you put that on your wall?"

    "Britteny, don't you get it? Isn't it useful not to be useful?"

    "No," the twenty one year old said, storming out the door.

    She stopped.


    She then proceded tto close the door and walk away. I smiled.
    My dad get's mad at me for it a lot.


    so we maim it.

    so we destroy it.

    so we kill it.

    Everyone understands how useful it is to be useful.

    No one seems to get how useful it is not to be useful.

    No. A *ahem* close friend of mine had it on their FF acount profile. I thought it was the best quote ever, so I hung it up on my wall.

    Yeah, if it's a movie, and it's out on DVD, you can almost guarantee it'll be subbed the same day it came out. It's the same case with new anime episode.

    And go figure out what kinda anime you like xD I have tons to recommend to anyone. It's nowhere near the same as Conan, but you should take a look at Pandora Hearts. And check out Kara no Kyoukai. Kara no Kyoukai is based off of a novel, but there's not much to worry about in terms of chopped up; it's split up into chapters like the book, and the movies produced by the author of the novel (Which would make sense... He did start type-Moon anyways >.>). And you might like it; Kinoko Nasu has a very unique method of storytelling in his visual novels, and anime that appealed to even me, Mr. picky about what stories he reads/plays hears. Plus, the Nasuverse is one of the best things to happen to this world. Or at least, the otaku and doujin soft culture xD
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