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Squornshellous Beta

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  • Ah.

    also here's my attempt at a Wobbuffet party sprite (the grid is 32*32)

    Ah. I see.

    I've always been like the one to go to if you needed to learn something :3 I like explaining things, and find that it helps my own understanding of the topic in question.

    Heh, I guess you've been doing it for so long/effortlessly that it simply becomes "Make party sprite."

    Hahaha, it's alright ^^

    Though I have one question that I'm thinking you might be able to answer.

    The sprites are aligned to a grid-size, yes? If so, what's the size of that grid...?
    And what will you do when the full version of Squornshellous comes out? You can't keep calling it beta, people will think you're crazy.

    Er, I'm trying to start making party sprites, and saw some of yours. Could you explain the basic parts of spriting them?

    Thank you :3
    It's up.

    Also, random.org's multitude of flippable coins is amusing, eh.
    You should get one of Golurk and Klinklang and Reuniclus and Escavalier and Volcarona and Amoonguss and Elgyem and Beheeyem and Carracosta and Chandelure and Cofagrigus and Conkeldurr and Crustle and Cryogonal and Durant and Eelektross and Hydreigon and Metagross and Sawsbuck and Scolipede and Serperior and Sigilpyh and Vespiquen and Zoroark, to prevent any further confusion.
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