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Squornshellous Beta

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  • Come to think of it, I never believed in
    1. Santa.
    2. Easter Bunny.
    3. The unlucky things, opening umbrellas indoors, 13, Friday, etc.
    4. Lucky numbers.
    5. Lucky things, four leaf clovers, horseshoes, etc.

    I don't really think it's lucky, I just...like it.
    ...and 103. You know, at first I thought you were saying a "Pff, what do you know." And then I read over it and realized. I like the number 28. My birthday was actually my due date. While I'm not superstitious, if asked the number 28 is my lucky number ^^
    Okay. I'm going to actually listen to you now. I'm waiting for a battle of mine to be reffed (the thread has started, but our referee hasn't started the next round) I will. Thanks Squorn!
    I'll fix it. The reason that Castform's energy cost was so low was because I forgot to multiply that by three as well.
    Ah, I saw that at first...and random line breaks? I didn't get that part. And I'll fix that, and the Pokemon attacks I wasn't sure about. I'm obviously am confused with how Blizzard would work x3. I multiplied one Blizzard x3, and wasn't sure obviously. I see your points, I appreciate it ^^ And I could've sworn Negrek's Absence Sheet post said three days and now it says four.
    Ah. I don't...I read through all of the PRO and all of the threads for The Bank of TCoD. But that's it. I'm not sure how good it was...I think I'll know if I'm approved on...tomorrow?
    o.o Thank youuu, let me try this.
    Oh, and was the reffing somewhat good...?

    ...you know, one day that castle is going to stop being new, and then Newcastle will be a very silly name for a thing.
    I once heard that Royal Mail once had a letter that was addressed with the recipient's name and a crude drawing of Cornwall with an arrow pointing to it saying "somewhere here" and it was still delivered successfully. So yeah.
    Oh come on how many other Squorns are there
    Plus that's more than enough information to successfully locate a person
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