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  • My mum has thousands of issues of the Beano in my wardrobe back at home she thinks will become valuable one day
    And yes I'm aware Bananaman is from that other comic they always bitched about even though it's clearly made by the same people
    Thanks for the Sheebit! x3
    ...but, uh, not to diminish your success or anything, but I kinda already have icons for Terrabbit and Laissure and I didn't post them because I'm a lazy fuck. They're here:
    Kam did say he'd destroy me if he had to sprite another ghost. So for want of New Foglobe I'd better go with yours~

    Eh. I dunno if I feel like giving it a generic portmanteau name, but then I can't think of anything better either. (I can never remember the word portmanteau D':)
    No. There can be only one set of "official" sprites for a pokémon, and whatever set the creator decides should be it is the one that people get paid for.
    However, that was only the big sprites. Although I think she might've gone to Shocktail for party sprites. She never mentioned.
    I think she had in the post that the sprites were in the works, but I had to look a bit to find that she'd said it, so I can't say I blame you that much.
    Hmmm... Well, why not have it so we both do the big sprites for people who don't already have them. That way, people can choose which ones they want to use.
    And if one of us gets requested personally, we let the other know that we've got it covered so there's no confusion.
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