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Squornshellous Beta

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  • Good for you.

    But that's ridiculously expensive! I barely used TMs back then anyway, though. I don't think I have ever used a Gym Leader TM until I got White, because it wasn't reusable.

    We will guess who the culprit is! And we will be right!
    It's pretty tricky, I'll admit, but it's much better than the slots. Still, nostalgia makes the roulette better. I hate the slots, myself.

    Heh. I don't know, I guess on the internet it's easier for me because I don't have to deal with those? o.o Anyway...

    Do you know what that means??? We would make the best guessing team ever.
    Oh well. Voltorb Flip is still really fun.

    Hmm. I'm actually not that good, usually. I guess my prediction skills work better online? :o
    You just argued against my definition of the term "argument of semantics".

    You started this one.
    Oh, sorry. It was just general amusement. Also I'm playing Emerald now and the roulette is really fun. :3 I wonder why they took it out, even before they decided putting gambling in there was wrong?

    It certainly would be weird. Somewhat relatedly, do you have good guessing skills?
    You did. The argument began. You did not avoid it in any way. You merely gave up, thereby losing.

    Yes, I meant that. I... guess I'm better a guessing than I thought? xD I'm just glad I wasn't wrong. That would've been embarrassing.
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