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Squornshellous Beta

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  • Okay. :( A shame, but I could always whip out my actual game and play it myself! x3

    It's fine. ^^ Although I guess it has something to do with your post in the Fwee Thread...?

    (I'm going to feel so stupid if I guess wrong. Although the last time I guessed about something like this I was right!)
    No. It's not.

    And I was going to in the first place but I couldn't balance the odds properly so I dropped it.
    I don't know how it would work, though... eh, it's just nostalgia at work. x3

    'Kay. xD
    Cool! I'd like it a lot more if it was more like ASB, honestly. Also you know Meowth's zone? The Game Corner? I looked at a lot of arenas, and I might actually had joined if Emerald's roulette wheel was incorporated somehow. I liked that! :( Although I suppose it would be a bit hard to do.

    It's this, a roleplay. What are you distracted by?

    Kind of like the Safari Zone for me. Did you ever get the power for that or what?

    I can imagine that! Also, I can totally imagine you in Sanctic, posting huge walls of text like a WRITING MACHINE (well, not a wall of text, but a big awesome post) and getting experience like crazy. With no grammatical mistakes or anything. Ever. :o
    Oh. But still!

    Yeah, I get what you mean.

    Eh, that's not really that bad. The closest thing I've had to that because I don't ref yet is in mafia, my first game. I forgot that someone was healed and killed one of the mafia members. At least the mafia won anyway? I didn't want to resurrect them because the whole town would know they were mafia. So it would just be an extra lynch.

    I do with my posts, but sometimes not with VMs! :3
    =O I really should try out for ref sometime.

    ... Tired it. Stop being such a derp, self! It's actually really fun in my opinion, but whatever. What seems so bad about it?

    I am a derp, that's why. Maybe I forgot I typed it? I really should reread my posts/VMs all the time.
    Oh. I mostly see it in the Profile Archive while scrolling down, so when I look at the full recolored sprites it seems a lot larger.

    You don't? Oh. Have you ever tired it?

    ... Why did I type the exact same thing twice? :/
    Yeah... ah well. If she doesn't want it, who's going to keep theirs? I don't think I could afford another present (I only have $6 now) but don't you already have an eevee? You have so many, so I'm not sure.

    Hmm... maybe I'll try it over the summer. I can barely handle a mafia, as it is! :/ Have you ever held a mafia, and if so it it harder or easier than reffing a battle?

    Hmm... I might try over the summer.
    I wanted it to be a surprise, so... hopefully you're right.

    :O Is it hard to keep up?
    You stole my present for Silver ;_;

    Also wow how much reffing do you do to make so much money?
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