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  • Its Enjoyment stat for Amie was all the way up when I got it, it seems you had spent a lot of time with it!
    Sorry for the super late reply, I was away!

    Can't get them until tomorrow. :-/ Are they good?
    Yeah, she said she's, "cutting all ties."

    I wouldn't care if 90% of this forum left, but I'm really going to miss her. I'm crying now good job mohac look what you did agh
    Oh, that... she only came back to TCoD because her dad was gone and she was able to but now he's coming back and she has to leave again. It's for the best, I'd rather her leave than stay here and get hurt.

    ..but I am going to miss her a lot. :(
    That sounds like fun to write about, actually. I might have to try it sometime.

    The feeling is mutual, I would be thrilled to help you edit! Also, it would be rather nice if I could read it, yeah. Thanks.
    This I know, haha. I've always enjoyed fantasy more, it seems more imaginative, and that's what writing's all about. I can't stand reading realistic stuff, because reading is an escape for me. That effect is diminished when the escape is to the real world.

    And well then, I just might have to read it, after you finish.
    I thought maybe you were among those who confuse science fiction and fantasy, I apologize.

    ...so you have magic in a science fiction story?
    Yeah, I know what you mean. I don't know what you call it in your stories, but when people can shoot fire from their hands for something of that nature, I call it magic. Which seems to be very heavilly emphasized in Element, whether you call it magic or not.

    In my case, I think of it this way-- if the magical act that is being performed could not happen by other means no matter what, it probably shouldn't be done. It's not specific, though-- just because you can't shoot fire from your hands without magic doesn't mean you can't without it, either, because essentially you're just lighting a fire. Magic is the manipulation of energy, much like machines in the world we live in, and so long as I remember that, my magic doesn't tend to get too out of hand.
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