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  • I don't know if I ever registered you before on my old 3DS, but would you mind (re?)registering me on yours? My new fc is 1779-1558-9342.
    Well, I'll just try and get one off of the GTS since I'm looking to do the same thing as you. Thanks for the offer, though!
    That so? I have quite a few in SoulSilver, I guess that's pretty good news.

    Anyway, I'm assuming we're using X/Y?
    Alright! Obviously we can'd use Infrared (I don't even live in North Carolina anymore), but we'll see if it works in Wi-Fi, I guess! Which game are we going to use?
    Of course! I'll just wrap up school real quick, and then I have to read for a bit, but it's almost certainly something that can be done whenever you'd like!
    Aww :(

    I've got no idea why, but I have a high plains one (? Plains? BC? wut? Is there some part of BC I don't know about?).

    Also I wonder why NC is modern...?
    it's cool. i brought that fanfic from my fanfiction.net account. its really all i've written about. ive tried other topics but they didn't work out.
    Oh, it is black... but according to this video, Megas do have Shiny Formes. That might be an interesting thing to look into.
    I was wondering because Mega Charizard X is black... so maybe its Shiny Forme is orange? I'd like to find out. I'll let you know whenever I do.
    Me neither. This would be my first time looking for one, but I'd like to try it out, especially since Egg hatching is so easy this Gen, and shiny Charmander is awesome. Also, I'm curious if Shiny Megas are a thing.
    Ah. I'm really bad at IV Breeding, although I'm trying. I'm aiming to get a Shiny Charmander at the moment, with Solar Power.
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