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  • Oh, do you Dangan Ronpa now? Awesome.

    (I assume you got into it from the localization, considering you included the Trigger Happy Havoc in the video game songs thread?)
    I'm ready. I dunno if my internet will hold up, so if at any time I disconnect, well, it's my internet.

    Should I start or will you start?
    Sorry to keep bothering you about this, but might you have an Omanyte or a Kabuto? Those are the two fossil mons I'm missing.
    Can I ask you something about breeding?

    I got a Meowth off Wonder Trade. He has Captivate, Assurance, Night Slash, and another move I don't remember. He has Technician. I tried breeding it which resulted in two non-Egg Moved Meowth. How can I breed him and pass the Egg Moves?
    Were you trying to use Hatch Power on me earlier? That could explain why I wasn't receiving whatever power you were broadcasting.
    My other DS got busted in November. :P That's why I had to ask for your FC again.

    No worries, man. Take your time. What do you plan to do with those non-sassy Swinub with Freeze-Dry?
    Earlier we both were on the PSS. Remember, you gave me Hatching Power Lv. 3. Thankfully, I had a Bagon Egg I got from a friend.

    I'm looking for a female Modest one. What would you like in return?

    I don't battle competitively or care much for IVs although I do like having natures that align with my sweeper's highest attack stat. I have one of Qvalador's Dittos, but thanks for reminding me.
    Well, we were online earlier
    And I beat the Champion back in October
    Does it mean you have to be in Kiloude (FS City)?

    I imagine you're looking for a specific nature? Do you have any female Amaura? I've been hunting for one of those forever.
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