• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Sweet Silver Nightmare

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  • It's fine :3 There was a time when we wanted to cause confusion so I was SilverFalcon and Sonic Rainboom was SilverShard for a whole month. Causing confusion is fun here :33

    I am around for a long time on here, I'm in school, but cyberschool. Over the computer, in other words ^^
    ...so am I >.>

    Uh...I like health shows and not the normal kids' cartoons...? And I spend my free time on here, animating, or learning HTML, or website coding.
    The storylines are really deep...although there aren't any happily ever after endings (excluding the first game, Curious Village), it's really good and pulls you in.
    Haha. I'm crazy about the Professor Layton series, and I practically flipped out when I found the new prequels are only for the 3DS T-T
    ...yep, I kind of do xD You're not getting the 3DS, are you? I never cared about the new systems.
    I'm too young to say I played the 1st generation. I'm going to download a ROM of R/B/Y and G/S/C if it's the last thing I do. I only have use for GBA games since I only have a DS Lite, and even if I found an older 1st gen game, I wouldn't be able to use it.
    Ha, well good thing my liking it still means something to you. What was your first Pokemon game? I wish I could say Red or Blue, but my first was Platinum.
    Yup, I got the alert.

    I usually like Japanese/anime styled pictures, so my liking your avatar isn't saying much, really.
    ...post the message on my profile, or click the View Conversation link by our messages, and post the message on that page. Wow, it's pretty good ^^
    Oh, you have to either post on my profile or click the View Conversation thing. It notifies you of when you get a message. And I love the avatar; where'd it come from?
    Hi. I replied to your welcome thread. And you move really fast in getting yourself set up on ASB, congrats ^^
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