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  • :| awkward. very.

    Nah, it's okay. Be happy. Seeing others happy brings me joy. Plus that's better than what I'm predicted so

    Days are passing like minutes, it seems. Plus, I've only got half of my half-term break now and I've not even opened my portfolio.
    Any teacher would have their patience sorely tested. OTL Kids these days. Just aaaagh shut up and let me work

    Flaming cane! :0 Get'em Typh
    I couldn't help it. It was too good a joke not to make. XD

    I'm depressed again. I've caught everything-block and I think that my scanner is infected with something 'cause I plugged it in to scan the OS group pic and now my laptop has 32 viri including trojans, spyware and worms. :'c
    ...That's pretty harsh, isn't it? Though yeah I can relate with the throwing stuff portion. The vast majority of my art class is comprised of utter, hopeless idiots that have nothing better to do than bitch at us gifties (why are we always the targets anyway) or chucking erasers around. Ugh, I'm really starting to dread art class nowadays. OTL I never thought the day would come.
    Oh, we use percentages here. But I didn't really mean it by that. He bases the marks entirely on assignments, and last term, we had only 9 assignments. Basically, each one was worth 11% - even this puny little tagline thing which half the class didn't even do.
    No, my teacher. His marking system was so flawed, it wasn't even funny. Plus he more or less ignored the entire curriculum and made up his own weird-ass assignments.
    Rosa Parks... right, that person. Bahhh we didn't quite have to do stuff like that in English :| Shittiest. Teacher. Ever.
    Voila. The most recent picture. I go there to doodle casually every once in a while :3

    Is it? OTL I literally doodled that in three minutes. Math homework arghhhh why does the vast majority of my teachers this semester insist on giving homework every. Single. Day.

    Plus I've been having a shitty week anyway >.>

    ... :0 You have a weird system over there - people over here look at the most recent report card, even if it's in the middle of a term - but

    :D Now you have an extras $3 to spend every week!

    And whoooo! *gives you a cookie* Aaa I got good marks but my average would be at 90% if IT WEREN'T FOR STUPID GYM OTL

    I either hiss, jerk visibly, or outright run away if people try to hug me. ...Yeah I'm not very comfortable with physical contact OTL

    Yeah, I've done it before, although I wasn't too good. I like these rules and stuff better though. More organized.
    Ears blacked out...? Like you can't hear anything? Well then keep lots of tea handy~
    And everyone feels crappier in the mornings. :( I would hug you but both of us hate hugs so
    Ah, I was seriously worried there for a second OTL Tell me how the doctor's appointment or whatever goes tomorrow, alright?~

    And yeah D: My mom had surgery recently and she looked pretty damn horrible afterwards. But hey hopefully you won't need it?
    Typh the Artist.

    oh my god typh i just found out where to download the english version of the Higurashi games. It's about £20 ($36) but fffff i want it so badly~
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