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  • <: yay~ You can do whatever you like with it now, I drew it for you

    ZORAJESUS ohnoez. we must obey her.
    That was addressed to others not you D':

    OH MY GOD the head of History at another school that went on the History trip is SO MUCH LIKE HUGH LAURIE ^_^
    Also my friend has gloves made of alpacas.
    ...if only
    we should make it happen

    my grandma is... senile 8D

    it looks thexy~

    Zora Smith: *pee*
    Zora Smith: ...
    That Heiderich Boy: o.o
    That Heiderich Boy: ...o.o

    thought you'd appreciate this
    Ca~lling~ You hear the ca~lling~ Ah, love that song :D J-pop is epic. I used to listen to it 24/7 before I switched over to game BGMs.

    And yeah, I've heard of it~ My brother plays it all the time. BAD APPLE :D
    I do believe it was more like: "When the sunset dyes the sky so bright, she freaks me out with her secret smile. Stars above start too shine for miles and miles, I wonder why. Is this a curse, or just a harsh long, winding river where the flowers float? I know you can stop its flow on a whim so I have learned to swim!" (Yes I memorized the lyrics completely up 'til there earwormy indeed)

    I can't wait to get it coloured :D BUT WAIT reffings and request shop and OTL Why must it wait whrryyyyy
    The majority is still asleep/they're tired of those dreadful dreams/now let me shout and wake you up/let me wake you up~ *shot*

    Actually, I wear a Player Pin I got at an anime convention on my shirt every day. Sometimes I switch them around for the ocassion - Dragon Couture for Chinese New Year, for example.

    Anyway, I was drawing the cover for my math binder so I could tell it apart from my French one, which looks otherwise completely the same. And I drew Sho Minamimoto's Noise form standing there, looking confused, while slabs of ham, celery and horseradish, and tons of asparagus fell into his outstretched paws. SOHCAHTOA~

    Pokemon biology do want! *bookmarked*

    Also apparently The World Ends With You is consuming my life - have you heard of it?
    It keeps going back and forth. I command first, he finds an epic loophole in my commands. He commands first, I find an epic loophole in his commands. I ordered second last round, though, so stuff is in my favour - but he'll probably find a way to screw me over grarghhh

    D: Well... fine, I guess. I'm not very good at mixing bricks, though, they'll probably turn out rather soupy and -
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