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  • How do you sort it out? Do you need an anti-inflammatory or does it just go away naturally over time?
    with little swirling swirls swirling around the edge.

    Whoo 650 coins, i'm on a roll!
    (a sausage roll~)

    Draw it then.
    Ah, beef stew~

    I understand now. Usually we have chicken and leek(spin) stew, which my dad makes. Both of my parents cook, which is excellent.

    Mauvile Game Corner, trying to get 4,000 coins. Currently on 550

    Skirts are fun. Well, kinda I guess. Haha.

    ! You saw the sternum bush? ;-; Damn this no-tvness. I want Psych~

    Awww how did you get the scars?
    Oh my gosh, that's a fairly massive Introverted score o.o
    Poor Typh ):
    Haha, you're the same personality type as Data off Star Trek - though I got Will from the Prince of Bel Air, so I think we both win.
    Hey, your pictures are brilliant and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. They're adorable and you actually draw, which is more than anyone can say for me nowadays x.x
    Wait, what? ID? *is confused*
    (this message was brought to you at 3:05am so forgive its disjointedness)
    Oooh, those MI tests are cooool. This is my badge; what's yours?

    Haha, I do that too! I'll be sitting on the bus listening to something on my MP3 player (recently it's been mostly the Glee soundtrack) and I won't notice I'm tapping my fingers in time to the music unless I see someone else on the bus staring at my hand XD

    This is one of many reasons I shouldn't listen to music in public.
    HOLY SHIZ, DOUBLE DOWN'D. (Flinchax *Gnaws on sheet metal*)
    Oh and I think Mike screwed up cause he didn't make Shadow Sneak go first that derp, and I think you should be choosing and attacking now but I'm not sure so may want to wait till I yell at him. l:
    pfffffahahaha I changed the trendy saying on Dewford (i started again on saphire) to "YOUR MOTHER".
    Now somebody has asked me if there's a connection between YOUR MOTHER and BICYCLE.

    Villiage Bike perhaps? Excuse me while I laugh some more.
    I am surprised. I can't act it.

    That's good. That you're feeling better today, I mean.

    fffff art deadline is 8th March. But I've been drawing and writing and sticking stuff in lots today so c:
    Awww, poor Typh. D:

    ! That bird idea is awesome though! I had an idea of getting a German Shepherd and calling it Lassiter. :3 ! You be watching Rocky Horror? T-t-t-t-touch m- *shot*

    Welding is good. I set my hand on fire, well, kinda. I burnt my hand on the flames, but it wasn't anything bad. Haha.

    And it's so sunny and warm here, which is weird for february. I cab actually wear *gasp* skirts now. xD

    I wish that I had TCoD's girl! I wish that I had TCoD's girl! Where can I find a Typh like that? :]

    Cookie if you get the song reference.
    (this is so late and I just noticed that I completely failed to reply to the message you sent me ages ago and I'm really, really sorry aaaaaah)

    Barenaked Ladies are fantastic and so are you for getting the reference :D

    I also apologise if I'm making it stuck in your head all day. It's a great song, but to have looping around your head in the middle of a boring lecture... it's positively maddening XD
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