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  • You know, in the games whenever I see a Girafarig, for some reason I always have my Gengar out. So I'm all "GHOST SUPER-EFFECTIVE MWAHAHA" and then I go "...crap."
    Well you shoulda told me sooner *shuffles away sheepishly*

    Woooo! :D Unfortunately I'm not nearly as fast with my drawings, haha. I'm still not done the sketch of that person I was drawing last night *shakes fist*
    The new announcement...

    I was expecting something about the server error tCoD experienced on Tuesday. But nooooo buterfree just had to make a fucking hilarious joke, didn't she?
    Haha! Yes! >:D

    Awwww! They bathed together? How cute! Only best friends bathe together. :3 I should know. ... That sounds wrong. She's in one shower stall, I'm in another. Add music and horrible singing and it's a party. *shot* :]

    Ouch. That sounds painful. x.x

    Really? Really? How have I not heard of this?! But just regular deer pizza is really good. And Climax Pizza, yes, I know it sounds bad. We had Climax Pizza with red AND white sauce. xD
    I think I'll ask one of my friends tomorrow~

    btw Typh since I'm too lazy to dig around the OSer thread can you gimme a reference sheet of you? Or a ref picture.
    Er well, I sorta fixed it... OTL Sorta. I think it's okay for now, but thanks for the tip before~

    ...! Kai! *hides* I'm procrastinating so bad with that art trade DDD:
    Oh, no, the sketch came out fine. It's just now that I'm doing the actual lines that his hair's going fluffy.

    The person I'm drawing right now looks like he just walked through a typhoon. D: No pun intended- *shot*
    This is what you get for drawing wolves and other furry things too much before trying humans. Their hair will become fluffy.
    All the time. Usually during art lessons, which is annoying.

    Orange juce is nice, pure or with the bits left in.
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